
Thursday, October 31, 2013


Welcome to the last day of the 
Wicked 3 Blog Hop!

Thank you
for brewing up such wickedly good fun!

I have been a little lax in the blogging department
 as of late....
But it's time to dust of the cobwebs
and zoom up my broom....
and show you the happenings...
from my sewing room!

I have had this panel since last Halloween.
Halloween is one of my favorite holidays
and yet it seems to take me by surprise every year!
this year is no different
but I'm so glad I had a chance to make something for this hop.
At least now I have a head start for next year!

Using the panel above
I decided to make placemats.
I think they came out pretty dang cute.

The little hexie mug rugs were made from
a coordinating fabric
and can be found here.
They were made for a dear friend.
(oops...I wonder if she's noticed they haven't arrived yet
 - guess she'll be ready for next year too)

The placemats were easy to make.
My panel blocks were trimmed to approx 15-1/2"x 19".
(Trim yours according to your panel choice)
I centered each block Right Side Up on a large piece of batting.
I added simple border frames - sewing thru the batting as I attached sides, top and bottom.
(see above for the size strips I cut)

As you can see above...sometimes I measure and pre-cut
(first two pictures)
and sometimes I just sew it on and cut later
(yep...that would be the "don't worry" pic)

Once the borders have all been sewn on and pressed...
I square it all up
and run a machine basting stitch around the edge.
This keeps the batting and top fabric together nice and toady tidey.

Now press your top,
then flip it over and center over your backing fabric

With a rotary cutter and ruler, trim backing even with top edges.
(no matter how hard I tried...I couldn't take this pic
without a reflection....
and then...
I got a little silly....)

Ok..just one more...
I just couldn't help myself...
but you have to find humor wherever you can....

Speaking of witch which
I promised Marvin I would share his Halloween picture

Ok...back to biz....
The hardest part for me is sewing those openings closed
so that they are nice and straight 
( are NOT allowed to go back and look at the pic
of the finished mats to see if  my edges are straight...
Unh Unh...Don't Do It!)

So now when I trim as shown above...
I leave a little extra 
(if there is extra to leave)
when I trim near the opening....
It's probably mind over material matter...but I think it helps.

Don't forget the corners!

Now turn Right Side Out and PRESS!
Sew opening closed and quilt as desired.
(well darn...I forgot a close up pic on one finished placemat)
I'm sure you get the idea!

If you're looking for more Halloween Ideas
(you know...for NEXT
click here for a really sweet
foundation pieced wallhanging
inspired last year by Ms Midnite.

Thanks for sure to visit all the
Thimblemouse & Spouse -you r here

Why-Knot-Kwilt  (Princess Wicked)

Sew We Quilt (The Queen of Wicked)

Lynn ~ The Thimblemouse

PS...sorry to be a wee bit late in posting...
midnite struck and of course...
I turned into a
you know I'm making that up...
the truth?
I was almost ready by 10pm...
but dear Spouse kept asking
As in When were we going to partake in one of our favorite traditions...
some call it