
Friday, October 24, 2014

Black Cat Crossing Blog Hop "Our Day"

Welcome to day 5
Black Cat Crossing Blog Hop!
I am so excited to share my day with some wickedly wonderful 
and oh so creative bloggers:

Today-Friday, October 24
Be sure to visit each and every one!

Thank you dear Mdm Samm for yet another delightful challenge
and Wicked Wendy, our enchanting cheerleader who kept our 'spirits' moving!

I'm also very lucky to share today's post with a couple of our 'kids'.
Yes, we have black cats...but the 'other' ones...
you know...the oranges...the calicoes...
they just feel so left out this time of year....
I told them if they could spookify it up just a bit...
we'd let them play along.

"Ella Boo"
(aka Cinderella)
 wanted to tell us a Halloween "tail"

Sorry ' time for spooky stories today...
but I give you "paws UP" for your effort!

Sadly I didn't get to play with the fabulous Black Cat Crossing fabrics...
(Oh My...have you been following along? So many wonderful projects made!)

Not to worry...
I played all the same...
There's still lots of fun things to see!
Pillowcases...why not make some this year for your "Trick or Treat" bags?
They would hold a ginormous amount of loot, dontcha think?

My absolute all time favorite black cat fabric used above 
is from Elizabeths Studio...

I used that along with fabrics from Andovers "Chillingsworth" line for the
 braided section of this fabulous tablerunner!

I love Julie Herman - Jaybird Quilts -...and her Hex N More ruler!
This pattern has has been on my 'to-do list' for some time now.
Very easy to make...very! Julie provides directions to draw your own template
in her "Tasty" pattern...but I'm a firm believer that if there is a ruler or tool
to help you get the job done...then splurge...get it...use won't be sorry!

Here's a bit of the back....
I pieced together some great Chillingsworth typed motif with
that fabulous retro orange and black from Alexander Henry.

It's not a blog hop with a mug rug...
If you love this design...
you can get the original larger wall hanging version in pdf form
from "Mad Creek Designs" on Etsy. 

Next up....

I totally fell in love with Alexander Henrys' 
"Witchy Women"

So of course I had to play....

Here's a couple of the "girls" close up...

As luck would have it...
a new kitteh arrived just in time to help me
show the rest of this little quilt.

Meet Little Zeekster...isn't he just the absolute sweetest thang you've ever seen?
As my friend Nessa said...he's "total adorbs"
How could I not invite him to be in the pic...look at his borders...coincidence?
I think not.
Purrrrfect match!

True...he's not a black cat...
then again...neither are Ella or Marvin...
but unlike our little tuna traps above...
we don't have to feed him
because he's already stuffed!
( KNEW that was coming)

Little Zeekster kept me clickin' my camera...
He found pumpkins!

And then...he wanted to play with my scraps....
so I showed him how to make strippy potholders...
Ok...I helped a little...ok...A LOT...
but he's doing wicked good on the binding!

There will be more about "Little Zeekster" in blog days to come....
(he was a b'day gift to me on Thursday...bought by me from
"Sweet Poppy Cat" on Etsy...
- I let the the dear Spouse know he was off the "shopping" hook this year! lol)

Oh No....I knew this might happen....
Yes...since the Little Zeekster showed up...
there's a certain orange cat with his nose out of joint....
Not a cat I want to meet in a dark alley!
Relax Marvin...Little Zeekster says you can have ALL his tuna!

Time for a group pic!
The fun thing about having an antique shop behind our quilt shop...
they put the nifty-ist things out back and I can play...
I think I had more fun setting up the picks then maybe even stitching them...

Speaking of pics...those of you who have set them up...know it can be quite a test...
I often use the camera on my I know my quality could be better
(my real camera is usually hidden away...those darn cats!)

Here's one more pic to share...
I'm sure we've all been there...
You line things ups...
You think you have the perfect shot...
You focus on your subject(s) only....
and you never see it until it's too late...

Thanks so very much for hopping today...
don't forget to flap those little bat wings over to:

speaking of treats....
those of you who have been following awhile have probably already seen this...
hopefully made this...
but just in case you're new...
a few Halloweens ago I did pay homage to our black cat Midnite...
Look for her story 
You'll also find the links
to download this free foundation pieced pattern.

Don't forget...
the hop continues for 5 more fantastical days!

                                    Monday, October 27                                     

Tuesday, October 28

Wednesday, October 29
A Stitch in Time     

Thursday, October 30

Friday, October 31

Ok Marvin...
One more time....
Wish everyone Happy Hopping!

Ok...Close enough!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Black Cat Crossing Continues....MeOwZa!

I came home today to find Jaxson 
sitting and staring unblinkingly out the window...
deep in thought...

Oh little furry friend...
what is on your mind, I asked?

Thru feline telepathy...
his answer came.

(his grammar could use some work, but thank goodness this mouse speaks 'cat')

My reply....

the Beguiling Mdm Samm at
and our Bewitching Cheerleader
for the latest news!"
Just scroll down the page to find the more of this weeks
Beguiling and Bewitching bloggers

 Tuesday, October 21

Monday, October 20, 2014

Let the Wickedness Begin!

Black Cat Crossing Blog Hop
begins now!

Rev up those brooms!
for the latest news!

Todays Bewitching Bloggers:

Monday, October 20

Meanwhile this photo was taken on Sunday afternoon...
at the Jacksonville Jaguars game...
yes...I was working on binding...
in the stadium...
I'm wickedly dedicated!
And better yet....done!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Time to Pull The Plug

To my most awesome followers...
Taking a wee break...
How my heart will ache...
But I fear...
tho she's hung on for the last year...
I'm about to lose my little Red friend.

Obviously she's still hanging on...
since I'm able to post this blog tonight.
Each time I try to bring her to life...
I hold my breath and cross my fingers.
One of these times...
there will be no reviving her.

So rather than stress...
I'll just take a rest...
until it's time...
for Black Cats to Cross the line...
by then I hope to have a new friend
to take little Red's place.

Click on the link below to visit
for the full schedule!
In lieu of flowers
please just send Good Thoughts.