
Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Christmas in July Blog Hop

Sew excited to be a part of the
hosted by the always fabulous
Carol of Just Let Me Quilt

My most favorite things to make lately have been Tray Mats!
I am simply obsessed!

We've never been ones to worry about placemats - 
I guess because we don't have an actual dining table to eat our meals at.
(I kid you not! 
Got rid of it years ago when all it did was gather 'stuff' 
and there was never any room to eat on it anyways - LOL)

Since it's just the hubbs and me, we relax at dinner time and watch tv as we eat.
I know, I know....
-we should be talking to each other...
-we should be paying attention to our food...

But remember now, we work together 24/7 - we ride to and from work together
Believe me...
We talk plenty!

And about the food?
Oh My! 
No worries there!
I enjoy and savor Each and Every Bite!

Ok, back to our mats!

I love making mats for our wooden trays - they keep our dishes from flying around....
But mainly....

Our trays allow for a 10-3/4" x 18-1/2" finished mat.
You can make yours any size - adjust what needs adjusting and just have fun!

Here's a quick peek at how I make ours!

1) Focus Fabric (cats) - cut one strip 6-1/2" x width of fabric
2) Accent strip (green) - cut 2 strips 1" x width of fabric
3)Outer Border (red) - cut 2 strips 2" x width of fabric

The Accent and Wider Border strips are sewn ONLY to the top and Bottom!

You can sew these in place working with the Whole Width of Fabric
Cut the fabrics for the width you will need
(as in my case: 18-1/2")

Press seams - layer with your choice of batting and backing.
Quilt as desired and bind using your favorite method.

I quilt simple vertical lines most of the time.
I LOVE to use Painters Tape as my guide - No Marking! MeOwZa!!!!

Place tape on center of mat

Stitch on each side to start.
It's better to stitch a bit away from the tape to keep from stitching THRU the tape
(ask me how I know! Ha)

Move the tape (remember that little space) and continue quilting.

Once you have quilted across your mat using the tape - you can go back and  "eyeball" another quilting line down the center between previous quilted lines.

All quilted and ready for binding.
I cut 3 strips at 2-1/4" using the accent fabric.

These mats were trimmed and binding was attached on the backside,
then flipped to the front for quick machine finishing.



Dinner is Served
Christmas In July!
(and BTW it was deeee-licious even if the stuffed zuchinni was just a tad overdone!)

Thanks for stopping by for a visit!
Be sure to check out the rest of the
festivities happening today
(see the list below)

Remember...the hop is happening now thru July 27th!
Visit Mrs. Claus (aka Carol)
Just Let Me Quilt
for the daily schedule!

The Thimble Mouse and Spouse

(apologies to my sista bloggers today - 
I just can't seem to get all the fonts the same size! 
But you're there!!! Ho Ho Ho!)

Today-Tuesday-July 24

Thimblemouse and Spouse (you're here)