
Friday, May 11, 2012

One Tired Mouse

I really need to put "breakfast & lunch" on my TO DO list. Sometimes I get so involved I just plum forget (yet as you see food is never far from my mind). Late this afternoon I sat quietly for a moment thinking 'what will I make for supper' - I started counting the points I'd consumed so far (I've been following Weight Watchers since July) - let's see...2pp for my morning coffee creamer (the nice thing about ww - you can have anything you want as long as you count the points and I will NOT give up my Hazelnut creamer)...and then...then...eegads - I'd forgotten to eat all day! Here's why....

Just before the shop closed last night we got a delivery. We opened the box this morning and found the absolute CUTEST baby panel and coordinates from Northcott Fabrics - "Karma Baby" - I could NOT resist - even tho it was not on my TO DO list. So between customers and "Jo's Little Women Club" - I cut borders - attached borders and ta-da! 

I conned my friend Diane into being the 'guest quilt holder' - I may have promised I would crop off her head but maybe I didn't and she just looks so dang happy I had to include that smile :)

It was later quilted (I LOVE my longarming 'spouse') and now ready for binding in the morning ~ yey! more handwork for 'the road'. 

Back to "TO DO" more thing off the list - I worked up a paper pieced mini for my Mom last night - I'm thrilled with the way it came out and it too is now ready for 'the road'. 

The center of the vase (where you see the pink) was supposed to have a 'pieced' design... but after midnight last night when I got to that part...I had a little talk with myself... "what WERE you thinking?" ~ and myself decided Mom would be just as happy with some buttons or beads.  So stay tuned for the finished fleur diddie in a couple more weeks.

 I've just looked at my LIST and see #15 is  "Get Some Sleep" - this little mouse is going to bed! 

Nighties >"<

PS....We didn't forget 'supper' - to be safe - we ate out :)


  1. This sounds like the way my days go sometimes. I can get so involved in creating that I forget there is anyone or anything else around. That is why sometimes I have to take a "time out" like I am doing today. Love your piece for Mom.

    1. Thanks Sandi...crazy days in full force now so I have to write EVERYTHING down...haha


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