
Monday, May 7, 2012

Piece-full Sunday

Today I spent the most "piece-full" afternoon with my best friend. He also happens to be "the spouse" in my land of blog. And yes ~ you're right if you're thinking we work together EVERY day ~ what made today any different? I don't know ~ except it was such a "girl" thing to do ~ a quilting afternoon with your best friend ~ you understand don't you? (and NO Bob...I am not calling you a Girl! :)
We work side by side 5-6 days a week at our precious quilt shop ~ and you would think we would spend our "off" day someplace different ~ like...oh I don't know...maybe the movies? the beach? the grocery store? But nope ~ my honey and I enjoyed a few hours alone in the shop so that he could longarm a quilt I made for my Mom for Mother's Day. What a guy! The BEST Son-in-Law ever! 

I can't wait to share my Mom's quilt with you ~ but it's a surprise after will just have to wait (not that my Mom would ever see it 92+3/4s she smiles when I speak of  computers and how I can 'chat' or share pictures with friends all over the world....secretly I'm sure she thinks her daughter has gone a bit 'daft' ).

Meanwhile as Bob stitched away ~ I caught up with my color challenge. This week was BRIGHT YELLOW. Visit (the link is on the right) if you want to take a peek at what wonderful blocks have been made ~ maybe you'd like to play along too! It's so much fun!

I've also enjoyed making 'wonky stars' with each of the color challenges and had fallen a little behind ~ so I caught up on those too. I started to make single star blocks but then my friend "Marcia-Marcia" mentioned a wonderful layout she found at "Oh Fransson"  ~ Elizabeth Hartman's most awesome blog. I couldn't resist! Here's what I have so far ~ just remember they are NOT in their final resting place... I was just anxious to lay them out and see what I had...we all do that...right?  And now that I've shown you... I'm committed to finishing....eventually.

Well the clock is ticking ~ it's now Monday in Florida so time to say 'night-night'. I hope you had a piece-full Sunday too with your best friend.
Speaking of 'friends' ~ Miss "Paws" aka Mia actually left me alone long enough to finish a blog! Usually she's right here on my 'lap'top ~ or asleep beside me (she has a thing for my 'mouse') last night....

Have a GREAT WEEK everyone!
See you soon
Lynn ~ the Thimblemouse >"<


  1. You were lucky- I had to work at the hospital this weekend but I did do some hand stitching at lunch and on my swing when I got home!

    Mary Ann H

  2. I loved today's blog, Lynn. I think it would be wonderful to work side by side with your spouse daily. My DH and I like each other a whole lot and spend as much time together as possible. He still works full-time and I am mostly retired. Maybe he will "grow up" pretty soon and can retire, too! :-)

    1. many friends can't imagine how we do it - every day - together - but I'm blessed! In our early days Bob was in the Navy - I figure we spent 1/2 of the first half of our marriage I never complain...tho there are times I think he wishes I would go on a short 'det' - LOL


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