
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Maggie Gives 4 Paws "UP" for Annual "Pets on Quilts Contest"

Very early this morning... about 3am to be exact...insomnia struck so I took advantage and caught up a bit on my blog reading. I stumbled across the most FUN contest..starting August 1st!
It's called "Pets On Quilts" 
Woof! Woof!

Maggie is sooooo excited about this contest...she's been hounding me all day to find her favorite "Dog on a Quilt" picture (which just so happens to feature her "Highness"..imagine that) and indeedy...I found one.
  The contest starts August 1st - so check back here then to see the pic that Maggie's approved. 
There's also a category for quilts with 'pets' and I found the perfect little wall hanging I made that was inspired by our Midnite- (our Miss Catness Supreme -she made her first appearance here in the "Pondering" blog on Sunday).
Do you love your pets? Do you have an entry to share? Click on the badge on the sidebar to visit our friends at Lilypad Quilting and CATch the scoop on how you can enter your furry and quilted friends.
Don't forget...come back here August 1st to check out our entries and be sure to leave a comment if you are entering the contest....Maggie and I want to visit you too!

Lynn "The Thimblemouse" >"<

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Sunday Ponderings....

I love Sundays...a day to least it should be...we rarely do.
The 'spouse' does let me sleep in an extra hour or two which is so absolutely marvelous...and makes for a much happier 'mouse'.
Our Sunday morning ritual includes a light brunch at our favorite bistro. After that it's usually errands accomplished that we can't do during the work week. But alas...sometimes it's 'work' - and today was the day to lock ourselves in back at the shop for a couple hours of uninterrupted sewing time. 
Bob had a quilt to to the longarm he went.
I gathered some patterns for applique tracing...but once gathered...lost the 'urge' to trace...haha. So instead I played with 4 patches. The squares have been sewn in 'twosies' for so long it was nice to have the time to put them together.
One of the aides who cares for my Mom at her ALF is having a baby! In fact...looking at the calendar...her little bambino is probably here. Her nursery colors for her first little 'girl' are brown and pink and green. I have a yummy print that's been waiting for just the right project...and in my head...a simple setting...
Sometimes it's good to let things sit in your head for awhile. If you have the luxury of time and a design wall...put your arrangement up - look - walk away - then come back and look again. Sometimes it helps to take a picture of what you think you want to do and then ponder awhile. 
I wasn't "in love" with the idea in my head once I laid it out as you see in the picture above. And I'm so glad I haven't cut the yummy print up yet (I just placed the 4-patches over the yardage to get a feel).
I've since returned home and glad for the picture...still pondering. I've done laundry...still pondering. I've played with EQ (Electric Quilt - a great program for your computer to 'build' all kinds of quilts which I do and I ponder a LOT there too - ha).
I wore myself out pondering and like Scarlett O'Hara says "...tomorrow's another day" so I'm taking a cue from Ms.Midnight...

 I'll stretch out and be lazy...Sunday is almost over's time to ponder about supper...but lucky me..the spouse has that under control!
Have a great week everyone and thanks for visiting.
Lynn "The Thimblemouse" - >"<

Friday, July 20, 2012

Won't You Help?

Dearest Quilting Friends...
If you are among the lucky and sound in your to work or play each day... picking out fabrics from your stash as you plan your next project or finally finishing up a UFO... then I ask you to consider lending a hand to the families of the 849 homes lost in the wildfires of Colorado-Utah-Montana-Wyoming and Idaho. 

Just a few weeks ago we stood around the quilt shop and wondered "how we could help these devastated families ... how could we even find them...surely quilts would bring a little comfort...and imagine all the 'supplies and fabrics' that our western quilting sisters had many of us have something we can share.  

I'm so glad to have found this link thru the Henry Glass Fabrics blog... 
for Julie Anderson of "Phoenix Quilts...rising from the ashes" .Click HERE to read her press release and see the amazing task she is undertaking to bring a little comfort to theses families. I don't know Julie...but I'm sending her a virtual HUG and whatever support I can! I hope you'll join me.

Please take a few your on the link above or the "Phoenix Quilts" symbol to the right....whatever you can do to help will be so greatly appreciated. After all...isn't that what we as quilters are all about ~ helping.. however and wherever we can.

P.S. For my 'local Florida quilting friends' - we will have a Fat Quarter Box at Country Crossroads to collect fat q's to send to Phoenix Quilts so that Julie can get them to quilters in need. 
Thanks and Bless You All!

Lynn....The Thimblemouse >"<

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Farewell My Little Friend...

In keeping with my recent resolve to be here more often....I had a lovely blog planned for tonight.
Not gonna happen.
I'm in mourning....because this morning
my little friend of less than a year
woke up unresponsive to my touch.
A trip before work to the proper ER proved unsuccessful.
Dr.Droid could not revive her.
She is gone

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Back on the Blogging Track

 I can not believe it's been over a month since I've last posted! Yikes! Where has the time gone? 
I wish I could tell you I've been away on safari and created this quilt when I returned home....
....but while it's true...I designed this was some time ago and unless you can call the the weeds in our garden a jungle...
the most ferocious critter I've come across in our Florida wildlife is 
"Soxie One Eye"
....she's such a pussycat....hardly a threat.

I'm not exactly sure why I haven't been here of late. Oh wait...maybe it's that thing called "work".
Since our return from spring quilt market it's been non stop.
I finished a memory quilt that now lives in Germany....
This quilt was such a pleasure to create and my heartfelt Thanks go to Kathy Brown - The Teachers Pet -  for her inspiration for this quilt. I'm in love with her book "More Take 5 Quilts" and although Kathy's quilt in the book did not have pictures, it was the perfect layout for these family treasures. I can't wait to make more from her book...this time...for MOI !

After the memory quilt...another "sweet" project. Here's a little peekie...

...a very special birthday quilt for a very special guy...
I'll tell you more about that one the next time we visit.

I just heard the dryer buzz...yey, fabrics are ready for pressing!
I've been soooo bad falling off the "15 Minute Play" wagon ... I won't even tell you how many 'colors' I am behind. You'd think owning a quilt shop I'd have more than enough fabrics to choose from...but alas...I needed MORE black & this afternoon...I looked in braved  the fabric jungle ( sewing room) ....unearthed my 'stash' ..'ta-da'... found these...oldies but goodies...perfect!

Have a great week! I'm sure we'll meet again....sooner than later I hope...because I'm ready to get back on the blogging least the spirit is willing....let's hope the rest follows!

Lynn "The Thimblemouse" >"<