
Sunday, July 15, 2012

Back on the Blogging Track

 I can not believe it's been over a month since I've last posted! Yikes! Where has the time gone? 
I wish I could tell you I've been away on safari and created this quilt when I returned home....
....but while it's true...I designed this was some time ago and unless you can call the the weeds in our garden a jungle...
the most ferocious critter I've come across in our Florida wildlife is 
"Soxie One Eye"
....she's such a pussycat....hardly a threat.

I'm not exactly sure why I haven't been here of late. Oh wait...maybe it's that thing called "work".
Since our return from spring quilt market it's been non stop.
I finished a memory quilt that now lives in Germany....
This quilt was such a pleasure to create and my heartfelt Thanks go to Kathy Brown - The Teachers Pet -  for her inspiration for this quilt. I'm in love with her book "More Take 5 Quilts" and although Kathy's quilt in the book did not have pictures, it was the perfect layout for these family treasures. I can't wait to make more from her book...this time...for MOI !

After the memory quilt...another "sweet" project. Here's a little peekie...

...a very special birthday quilt for a very special guy...
I'll tell you more about that one the next time we visit.

I just heard the dryer buzz...yey, fabrics are ready for pressing!
I've been soooo bad falling off the "15 Minute Play" wagon ... I won't even tell you how many 'colors' I am behind. You'd think owning a quilt shop I'd have more than enough fabrics to choose from...but alas...I needed MORE black & this afternoon...I looked in braved  the fabric jungle ( sewing room) ....unearthed my 'stash' ..'ta-da'... found these...oldies but goodies...perfect!

Have a great week! I'm sure we'll meet again....sooner than later I hope...because I'm ready to get back on the blogging least the spirit is willing....let's hope the rest follows!

Lynn "The Thimblemouse" >"<


  1. Hello again. Looks like you have been very busy sewing. Hope you get some time to do more "play" sewing - although is that not a bit of a busman's holiday?

  2. Hi you work where you play, I'm not sure what that is called. But alas, today I 'worked' even tho I really wanted to play. Thanks for stopping by!


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