
Saturday, August 25, 2012

Back to School Days Blog Hop Party & Giveaway!

I'm soooo excited.
This is my very First time participating in a Blog Hop Party!
Whoo Hoo! Turn Up the Music...Let's Boogie!
And can sign up for my very first "Giveaway"...keep'll find out "for what" and "how" and all that important stuff. [before we go any further...don't hate me...but the giveaway will only be shipped within the USA "this time" - I'm sorry my International friends, maybe next time]
The theme of the party is "Back to School Days" and I pondered a bit...wondered awhile...what could I blog about since all of our 'kids' are furry have paws it's been a really loooooooong time since I've been to school.
I remember I loved little bags and pouches to get my school stuff organized when I was a kid - there's nothing like a new little diddie bag to start the school year out right. I started thinking about my USB cords which were driving me to distraction. Jumbled in my computer bag...I was forever pulling the e-reader cord out when I wanted the camera cord...or the IPod cord when I was looking for the cell phone get the idea. 
I've seen some cute little cord holders...with zippers...and I don't mind zippers...but I never have the right size...or right color...and ok...the truth? I may not 'mind' zippers but I don't jump for joy when I have to sew one in a project . Then my quilt 'sista' Deanna sent me a link for a folded tissue holder (think 4-patch folded coaster - you remember those dontcha?) and I got an "Idea". If I changed the shape...just maybe....and "Ta-da" - now my cords are 'coded' and 'neat' - and no longer a tangled web of wires.

Aren't they cute? The one with music notes holds my IPod cord... the one with letters you might guess holds my e-reader cord. And finally I have a "Keeper" for my cell phone cord (that would be Snoopy) because I made it today so I could show you how too! ( FIRST Tutorial!)

First you'll need 5 squares of fabric. I used "charms" of our cutie new Peanuts fabrics from Timeless Treasures.

You could use just about any size square - just size your circle (next step) acCORDingly.

Now for a circle pattern. Mine is about 4-1/2" also looks aLOT like the lid to my yogurt container...because it IS the lid! There's always something circular around you can trace if you look hard enough...and it's usually easier than trying to draw that perfect circle. Stack all 5 squares of fabric together....

with the lightest square on top....remember Wrong Side UP!

Pin your layers together and cut.....
Remove the pin...and gaze upon your 5 circles
Now off to the ironing board you go...pressy pressy 
Next...time to arrange your fabrics....
Now place your freshly pressed half circles in place...starting with "a" then "b" (just like school, huh?)
Then "c"...
Now "d" 
Pin to hold all layers in place and move on to the sewing machine.
Use a 1/4" seam and to insure "nice curves"...use a small stitch. Keep watch - don't let your half circles flip out of place.
Sew completely around - overlapping your beginning and ending stitches.
Trim Turn Right Side Out!
Press Nice and Flat! If you look at the first picture of "3"'ll notice I topstitched the one on the top left...that was the 2nd one I ever made. I really can't decide which I like better, plain or topstitched. It's up to you.
Time to hide the Cords in your Keeper!

I hope you'll make some Keepers of your very own. Of course you are free to make these for your pleasure and feel free to sell them at your craft shows. If you post pictures...I'd love to see them. And I know you wouldn't dream of copying my pictures - but please feel free to link back to my blog.

OK...It's Give Away time! Are you Ready???
Since the Peanuts kiddies here always remind me of school...and school days is the 'theme' - our give away is a wonderful very 'healthy' 1/2yd cut of the border stripes fabric from this line and 4 fat quarters (one each of the fabrics I made my new little Keeper with)...I just love Timeless Treasure fabrics!

To enter for our Give Away Drawing (deadline to enter is midnight Sept 3rd)..please leave a comment below..and I would LOVE if you LIKED our Shop Page on FB (Country Crossroads - see link on the right). Include your email if you don't have a profile that I can easily find you at. Remember again...I know... I'm a party pooper...but only entries with USA addresses will be considered...however my International friends...I hope you'll still leave a comment because I soooo want to know you've come to the party! Oh and if you are 'anonymous'...chances are your 'email' will be too...I can't reply and let you know if you've won because I won't know who you are. 
THANK YOU QUILTERS GALLERY for the FUN and for hosting this party! It Rocks! Don't forgot ya' the Blog Party Link on the right (at the top) to find more Party Fun! Or click HERE...that'll work too!

Thanks so much...I hope you had fun. I know I did! I hope to see you again soon...alas...I'm consistently "inconsistent" with posting to my blog on a regular basis...*sigh*....but I keep trying!

Lynn...The Thimblemouse >"<

Update 9-4-12
Congrats Lisa Cox our Give Away Winner!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Blog Hop Party...Who's Coming?

Oooo...I think this will be fun!
The Blog Hop Party starts August 25
You can join the fun too!
Just click HERE to include your blog or learn more about it.
Thank you Quilter's Fun!
Now off I go to find some fun Give-Aways.
Check back for our Party Post on August 25th for a chance to win some goodies!

Lynn - The Thimblemouse >"<

Thursday, August 9, 2012

It's Time To Vote For Pets On Quilts

The time is here to hop on over to Lilypads place - click HERE to cast your votes from now until Sunday night (midnight) August 12th. 
I've just finished my very hard to choose from all the super cute entries. Of course I really...REALLY...wanted to vote for Miss Maggie - #12:Dog ON Quilt category (click to see previous post and her super pictures)...and for the Cat Theme vote, naturally I'm partial to #14 The Litter Box  .... but really and truly I voted for others because after all what's the fun if you only vote for yourself?  I'll leave THAT up to YOU!

So please if you will...take a few minutes and cast your votes now by visiting our amazing contest hostess with the mostess. Leave your votes on Lilypads "Comments" (don't vote here on my won't count):
Enter #12 Dog ON Quilt (for Maggie's cute pics...and as I write...she doesn't have a single ...yes I am shameless...going for the "sympathy vote" here...just look at those "eyes" can you NOT vote for our girl? LOL)
Enter #14 Cat THEME Quilt (for The Litter Box - when I last looked we had TWO votes so "MeOw" for that thrill).

Thanks for playing along!
Lynn "The Thimblemouse" >"<

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

"Pets On Quilts Show" Entries - Let the Games Begin! Woof Woof!

Yey! It's time for .....

I hope our entries put a smile on your face.
I couldn't decide which picture to post for the "pet on a quilt" - if you've read earlier posts on my might remember our #1  pooch...Miss Magnolia Blossom (aka "Maggie") is not the most cooperative canine when the camera is aimed her way.
When she was a baby she thought the camera was 'cool'....
Even a few years later...I was sure we had a 'camera hound' on our paws....
What a Diva!

Perhaps the "Ruff"led collar was a bit too much. 
Shortly thereafter she just absolutely refused to 'look' at the camera

One time I snuck up on her...but she was quick to react...
Well..Pffft!!!!! I guess she told ME!

Thankfully...before 'diva-dom' cluttered her head...she posed for the camera on a couple of quilts (then again...maybe she just needed something "pretty" to pose on...I never thought about that). These are our entries...we hope you'll give them your vote.

First up: "Dog on Quilt":
Yes it's our little Beach Babe behind those Foster Grants....soaking up the rays on a quilt of batik strips I called

Our second entry (remember I told you I couldn't chose which one to enter) our little Birthday Girl (hmmm...besides pretty quilts...maybe Maggie just loves 'dressing up'). The quilt was made by a wonderful group of quilting friends for one of my "many many" birthdays.

Now it's on to the next "Cat-agory"...
Inspired by "Miss Midnite"
 - the ultimate 'Diva' (and Maggie's best friend...ya wasn't until after Midnite arrived that Maggie became a diva herself...coincidence? I think not)
I designed this wall hanging with Midnite in mind. It never fails to muster a smile as it hangs on the door to a  room often sought out by students and traveling customers in our quilt shop .... I'm sure you can guess which 'room' that is....
#1 THE LITTER BOX -cat theme entry
Thanks for stopping by - I hope you smiled...I can't wait to visit all the other entries and give them my vote.
A GREAT BIG THANKS to LILYPAD QUILTING  for giving me the chance to share some of my furry 'kids' with you...this has been the most fun blog to write. To see who else came to the SHOW, click here!

Before I sign off...I promised a couple of our other kids I'd share their pictures know how kids can be ....we don't need any of them getting all 'hissy' because their "big sisters" are getting all the attention. These  are not contest entries (but don't tell the kids that).

Marvin is now almost 2yrs old (I think...omgosh...I've lost track of his age...what kind of mother am I?) - here he is as a young kittah...

This is Mia as a wee babe (she's now about 10 mos..where does the time seems only yesterday I was mixing her formula)

Mia really REALLY wanted to be an entry...she simply couldn't understand why I didn't make her a quilt from all those fat quarters she loves to sleep on .... if only I could teach her to make her own.

There's plenty more felines in the house but I'm stopping right here. (You know us 'moms'...we could go on with baby pictures FURever! Another can be sure).

Again thanks for visiting. And as they say in the south.... 
"Hope ya'll come back real soon"
Lynn "The Thimblemouse" >"<