
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Good Vibrations

The clock is week from today we'll be setting up our booth at the Jacksonville QuiltFest. We're in the 'crazies' mode right about now - writing our lists, and checking them twice...trying to pack goodies, that quilters will think nice. Cutting and folding fat quarters galore...rolling up bundles...did Mr.UPS just bring in MORE? 
I should be happy with the samples I have already made. I wanted to spend this week working on new table covers...(I plan every year to make new ones...they haven't happened yet!). Instead new fabrics come thru the door suddenly they are all I can think about. I must make a new quilt!
"Good Vibrations" from Windham Fabrics just arrived at the shop less than a week ago. Black, Reds & Whites with a musical theme...they've been on my mind. Our friend Ann has been helping us in our hours of need...she put together bundles of 7 fats. I challenged myself to make up a lap quilt using the bundle. Yesterday afternoon I cut out a little kit for my 'homework' last night. Using all 7 fat quarters and 1/2 yd of the little music notes from Timeless Treasures  I finished the top today.
Of course I added more fabrics for borders...but the center is pieced just using the fats and the 1/2yd of notes. I'm if I could only get inspired to make those new table covers!
Lynn ~ The Thimblemouse >"<

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