
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Why I Quilt....

We survived the quilt show. It was great...we had fun...glad it's done! The "Spouse" and I are trying to get our energy back...trying to get our brains functioning again...trying to put our shop back in order...and I so want to share a bit of the show with you  ~ but honestly, I think I left all my brain cells at the convention center.  Sometimes when exhaustion hits...I wonder why we do this...why we even quilt. And then a moment in time happens, like today. 

THIS is why I quilt....
Look at that face! Is she a sweetie or what!?!
I look at this picture and know where the saying "snug as a bug in a rug" comes from. LOL
Today when I was feeling so tired and worn out ~ my friend shared her pictures and told me such a sweet story. This is our little friend "Cora" waiting for tonsil surgery. Her mom let her choose whatever 'blankie' she wanted to bring to the hospital. Cora chose the 'big girl' quilt we made her sometime ago. 
At the hospital they put special 'stickers' on all Cora's personal items. She was very specific that a sticker be stuck to her quilt. That just makes me smile.
Cora was allowed to keep her quilt with her through the surgery. I'm glad it brought her comfort.
Tonsils are gone! She's doing great.
This is why I quilt.

Lynn ~ The Thimblemouse >"<


  1. Great photo's! Yup, she is a cutie, and I "get it".

  2. sweet! Thats exactly why we all quilt...precious!

    quiltingwithcalicos dot blogspot dot com

  3. Great photo, I love it when I see my grand kids wrapped up in the quilt I made for them.


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