
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy 2013 and Remembering 2012

Sending New Year Blessings to all my amazing friends out here in blogland!
I've just finished looking back at 2012 through the wonders of pictures - I can't believe I've taken so many - I'm really not a camera clicker...but I've done my fair share this past year.
Here are some of my favorite moments and memories...

Deanna with her Funky Chicken
This is Deanna. We began as Facebook Friends when I commented on a quilt she had made. I used to be a big 'gamer' and a mutual gaming friend (who is really the sister of a friend of a friend I have actually met, -can you follow that? - haha) commented on Deanna's picture of  a wonderful quilt she'd made with Black and Whites and Lime Greens - I had to say something!
After that comment - Deanna and I began a friendship that was just meant to be. We've never met face to face but we are kindred 'sisters'. I made this chicken quilt in January as a surprise for her birthday. There's a whole other story behind the 'chickens' - and maybe one day I'll share it. I no longer play games - there's just NO time - but I am so very glad I found Deanna that was fate and I know we will somehow, some way span the miles between Florida and Idaho for a long over due sisterly Hug!

I've met lots of wonderful quilters on Facebook and am thrilled to be a member of "Inspired Workroom" there...a group organized and led by Linda Lum DeBono. Linda posts fun 'challenges'. I made two small wallhangings for my Mom. One was for Valentines Day...I'm sure you can guess which one that is. Another challenge was to use a 'word' or a 'name' (my mom is Blanche), a hexagon, beads and then finish it all up with an embroidery hoop. I really had fun with that one.

My wonderful spouse surprised me for Valentines Day by arranging a visit to our shop from my all time FAVORITE NFL Mascot  - from the Jacksonville Jaguars....
...It's the one and only "Jaxon DeVille"!
I just love that big furry cat! MeOw!

Here's an awesome group of quilters from one of 3 classes I taught last February here in Jacksonville at an annual guild retreat.
We had SEW much fun - we always do.
I've enjoyed teaching each year for the group - though the faces change - the friendships made and the fun times had are so special to me. I wouldn't trade the memories for anything.
Little did I know then that this would be one of my last times to teach for this retreat. All good things must come to an end I suppose, and for the first time in 20 years, the local teachers were not invited. I won't be spending the month of January in a tizzy getting ready for classes - and while it will be nice to have some ME time this month....I'd trade it for 'tizzy' anytime!
On a super side note: the cute blonde in the white blouse..yes, the one in the middle - that's Pat - she did finish her quilt - entered it in the Jacksonville QuiltFest and WON a ribbon! 

For the first time ever, I entered a contest. Aurifil Threads held a fun one on Facebook (yes, I am a Facebook junkie - can't help myself). It really wasn't about the best quilt - tho I really liked mine - it was more about who could get the most votes. I never dreamed I would win...but I did!

It was a thrill!
Even more of a thrill was the Prize!
Look at ALL that thread!
Can you say Happy Girl?
I put together this little collage to send to Aurifil because I wanted them to know how absolutely over the moon I was!

In May the Spouse and I took a road trip to Kansas City for Spring Quilt Market - what a treat!

 Here's Bob waiting in line for the show to open. Isn't he just the cutest? Macho Red White and Blue Hawaiian shirt AND his little PINK Flamingo bag...haha. Ok, the's my bag...but I couldn't hold it AND the camera. My friend Diane gave me that bag just for Market...and we filled it up...many times over..many!!!

I'd been having a blast on the playground with Victoria Findlay Wolfe's "15 Minutes Play" group and was so excited to finally meet her in person when we hooked up for Fifteen minutes..give or take. Such a sweet and awesome gal! One of these days I really need to finish that color challenge.

We got to meet another one of my quilting 'heros' and it tingled me right to my toes! Dont'cha love this pic? My tootsies are wearing you recognize the others?
If you follow her on her blog or on Facebook, you've seen her feet many times (she's got this "not so secret" obsession with shoes). 
If you guessed Pat win a chocolate cigar! What a doll! I just love her!

Ricky and Alex were also nice enough to pose for a picture with me...and I love them both...but honestly...not very chatty...either one of them. (just in case you can't tell, they are cardboard cut outs...wouldn't want you to get the wrong idea..LOL)

In June we celebrated a very special birthday
for a very special quilter
who loves PINK
and has a real thing for
Actually, come to think of it, I've never seen a picture of him eating a cupcake, but he calls everyone "Cupcake"
I sent out party invitations to some mutual 'Cupcakes' on...yes...Facebook friend Sandie made him a hat....and my friend Diane put together a scrappy B'day card.
There were 18 of us from all over that made cupcake blocks. I had so much fun putting the quilt together - and of course Bob quilted it. The amazing Linda Lum DeBono volunteered to hand deliver it to our very own Captain Cupcake
Here's the quilt
Isn't it fun?
This was one of the most fun projects I did in 2012. Linda was a doll and took videos that she posted on Facebook. Can you imagine...Mark Lipinski speechless?
Are There Words? LOL
I wish there were a way to share those videos here but alas, there is not. Trust was priceless.
The BEST part of this whole 'let's make a surprise quilt' was the absolutely amazing group of gals I got know thru the weeks of planning and plotting. We've even decided to stay 'together' as a group on FB and enjoy staying in touch. We call ourselves "The Cupcake Crew"

Of course, this wouldn't be complete without a few pictures of my favorite gal. I just love the 'shades' - we had gone for a ride, Mom opened the glove box...saw the glasses and just popped them on. I think they are So Her!  

Our "Prom Princess" - so darling!
I think it was Mom's First Prom...
I know it was mine!

This year has seen many of them being me. I started back to Weight Watchers in July of 2011 and about a year later I finally reached my goal. This isn't the first time but I am hoping I have the determination to make it the last. It's been over 30 years since I reached Lifetime status and back then I was young and foolish...thinking it would be a piece of cake to maintain. Several pieces of cake later...I was back at the beginning. Right now I am enjoying a healthier, thinner me...but I won't kid you...every day is a struggle. Some days are easier...some days, not so much. But for once, I don't mind pictures of fact sometimes most times I am still totally surprised this is me.
(plus I've gotten rid of my old I HAVE to stay this way....and Sandie, bless her heart is always treating these two great shirts)

Last but not least I have to share with you the most wonderful Christmas gift. It was a total surprise. It made me cry. My friend Sandie delivered it to the shop just before Christmas.
Lookie Look!!!
This quilt was made with so much Love!
It's from "The Cupcake Crew"
I believe Deanna was the ringleader in this oh some awesome venture. Can you believe it?
I have never been so touched right to the middle of my heart.
I'm not sure what I've done to earn such a loving and kind gesture, but I do know that I am truly Blessed to call these ladies - and friends.
Thanks so much to Deb, Connie, Nancy, Ruth, Deanna, Sandie, Gail, Kelly, Jaye, Diane, Mary Ann, Marianne, Laura, and yes, even the Captain himself.'s been quite a year but I know the best is yet to come! Bring it On 2013! I'm ready!

Wish you all the best year ever!
May every day bring a smile to your heart.
Happy New Years My Friends
Lynn ~ The Thimblemouse >"<


  1. Happy New Year!! Thanks to jet lag that won't go away, I'm up bright an darkly to read your post! You've had a lovely year!! The Internet and Facebook has really brought people togeher!! It was a joy finally meeting and getting that hug at Market. :-) Mark was indeed speechless and just loves his quilt! Hope you and Bob have a other friend filled year with joy and good health to boot!! :-) I'm sneaking down to my studio to let everyone else sleep! :-) V

  2. Happy New Year! Hope this year that maybe I can convince the family to STOP this year in OP for a visit. If not then, maybe a class? Enjoy the year and I'm glad to renew a friendship.

  3. Happy New Year! May 2013 be filled with blessings! Love the reflections. I remember each one! Mary Ann, you are always welcome! I hope to be at the beach for spring break, plan a few days to come visit!

  4. Sounds like you had a great 2012 and 2013 will be even greater. You are much loved as you could tell with the "surprise" ;-). Making your aquantance over FB was one of the highlights of my year. Thanks amigo. Bring on 2013!!!!!

  5. Happy New Year Lynn, I love the reflections of the last year and I am delighted to say I remember so many of them and have to say that it has been a fun year. Maybe the most fun staying up all night to see if we had garnered enough votes for your quilt to win the Aurifil thread. It was so fun and watching those #'s for days. Thanks for being my kindred Quilting Sister. You bring so much joy to all who know you. I am so blessed to have you in my life.

  6. Hope you and Bob have a wonderful 2013. And what an amazing, happy 2012 - how did you manage to get so much done???! Great photos of your favourite girl, may she have a happy 2013 too.


I just love to hear from you and I truly do read every comment. Sometimes life gets a wee bit crazy and I'm not always able to reply to them all...but I'll keep trying! If you are Anonymous or a no-reply blogger, leave your email with your comment, otherwise there's no way I can reply to you - and maybe you're okay with that - but if there's a give-away and you'll never know!