
Monday, March 18, 2013

It's MeOwZa MoNDaY....BOO!

Our mom has sooooooo many favorite humans
she visits out in blogland, 
but this gal, 
is one of our feline favorites too!
She really knows how to pay homage to those like me,
who are so purrrrrfectly divine.

Miss Marjory has designed one
of a quilt....
We've never met....
but don't you think 
those simply elegant creatures look
just like moi?

The best can download the
FREE blocks
from Pecks Pieces
starting HERE with the first one!
(Isn't Marjory the grrrr-eatest?)
You can make this furrrr-A-bulous quilt
in time for this Halloween
...which by the way is only 7 months away!
There's nothing like a little
Black Cat...
But 9 of them?
Even Better!!!

Oh that Marvin...such a silly boy...

Come back next week for another delightful
feline discovery. where did I put that Frog Spell....
Oh kitty-kitty.....
>*! zap !*<

Until next time...
Never fool with a Diva!

The KiDees


  1. Thanks for the link to this great kitty pattern! I'll put it in my "to do" stack!

  2. Pretty Darn Cute!! Hope your day is fantastic!!!


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