
Friday, March 8, 2013

Time to Par-TAY!!! Blog Hop Party and Give-Away

There's a Party going on now thru March 14th
You are Invited!

Down here in Floreeeedah land, there's not much snow for sledding.... fact, there's none...
(thank you Mother Nature)

....but I swear it's been cold enough lately that we've seriously thought about digging out our skates...
....Yes, I'll admit it...I'm a wimpette...born and raised in New England you'd think it wouldn't bother me...but my oh my...let it drop below 60 degrees and I just shiver and shake...
...out come the flannel jammies...

When we heard Michele over at Quilting Gallery was hosting another one of her simply Fabulous parties...
(we were hoping it was a pajama party...oh well, maybe next time)
...the KiDees pleaded and begged me to let them be in charge of the of the party post...
they said they could get things really warmed up...
(they can be quite conniving convincing at times...)

Before I lose total control here - let me just say
Thank YOU
for joining the festivities.
If it's your first time here
(and oh how I  love newbies),
I hope you'll come back again after the party because I am really enjoying this virtual 'diary'...
I like sharing what's happening in our little corner of the quilting world...
sharing with you things that I've made or are in the works...
as well as little stories that I hope will make you smile.

I love to talk about my sweet lovin' Spouse...
(clownin' for the camera)

& of course, my favorite Pink Girl...
my 93yr old Mom...

This year I decided to make the most out of every day...
...I've been having a blast challenging myself  to write more
  tutorials ...
....joining in more Blog Hops
(check the sidebar on the left for some sure to be fun ones  you won't want to miss)
and stretching my brain...some days more then others *wink*
Plus getting to know you thru your comments and such...
you give me more then I can ever return... friendships are blossoming...
I'm one lucky gal!

Ok...the KiDees are mewin' and hissin' and starting to give me evil "cat eyes"...
I guess it's time I let them take over....
so Break out the catnip...
Pour yourself a bowl of cream...
Let the ParTay begin!

Take it away, Mia!
Mia?'re on...wake up!

(oh yes sweet Mia...Mama's got big ears...she heard...maybe this is a job for someone more adult)
Mom wrote a blog about 'her' - it was really about US. She has been promising to show you "who's who"....thank the kitty Gods..she finally did it...
(*whew* I thought for nanosecond I was going to have to do it myself.)
From a previous Blog Hop
"It's All About Me"
The KiDees - Revealed
And guess what?
This party post is just the beginning...
we've been asking Mom for one more favor...
Marvin can be sooooo dramatic!

But it worked!

We're getting our Own Page!
That's right...starting on Monday
(unless of course we're out cattin' around)
we'll start sharin' the load - givin' Mom a little more quiltin' time.
Each Monday one of us KiDees will bring you the Mews!
(We really wanted our own blog...Mom just LOL at that one.)
It's a start.

I guess that's all for the party...
we know you're anxious to hop on to the next one...
Oh wait...there's something going on...
Of course!
How could we forget?
We found the Purrrrrfect thing for our Give-Away
The Kitty Chronicle!
Anyone on the planet could be a winner of this 7/8yd piece of great fabric from Timeless Treasures
(why 7/8? We were trying not to cut thru kitties heads....meOuch)
Simply tell us in the comments below  - because inquiring feline minds what to know:
1) How many blogs do you actively follow?
2) What makes YOU click the "follow" button?

Deadline to leave your comment for a chance at the prize is midnight March 14th. Sometimes later we'll let Mr.Randomness pick a winner.
It could be long as YOU have a way we can make contact.
If you comment as Anonymous - or you're a 'no-reply' blogger....chances are, without an email to find you - we'll let Mr.Random pick again.
(click the link on the left side bar - way back up there near the top - to see if you're "no-reply" blogger)
Added 3/15/13: Congrats to our Winner Pat.V!

Don't forget...there's over 150 more parties going sure to visit to jump back over to the Quilting Gallery and see who's next on the Party List!
Thanks again Michele, for another Blog Hoppin Good Time!
Party Hardy!
Lynn ~ The Thimblemouse >"<


  1. So pleased to meet the herd of cats..... they are just wonderful and oh so wise!'I'm not sure how many blogs I follow, but it's probably 30 to 40 with a growing list. I follow for the pictures and the content. I'm also looking for easy to read.....the tiny print on some blogs just turns me off. There is such a huge blogland world and I enjoy traveling to many, many blogs!

  2. I probably follow around 100 but I don't read them all each day!! Like Jeanie I hate the tiny text on some blogs and I do like lots of pictures! I especially like to learn something about different parts of the world!

  3. I love following blogs for the inspirations they provide. I like pictures, easy on the eyes writing, but I hate word verification. I probably follow several hundred, but not each day.

  4. 1) How many blogs do you actively follow? In Google Reader, 680.

    2) What makes YOU click the "follow" button? I click the "follow" button so that the blogger is aware of my presence, but truly read via Google Reader so I can see if a post interests me. Headlines related to quilting, embroidery, art and fabric are opened for reading, while blog posts about family/vacations/other crafts are usually skipped (although I've been known to read posts about cats). :)

  5. I follow a lot a blogs. Unsure of how many. I lov eto follow along via email mostly. I love to see lots of bright quilty projects. Lots of tutorials and lots of reviews on new products and patterns. conn_and_vans_mom(at)yahoo(dot)com

  6. I follow 100+ blogs. I enjoy the tutorials, learning new recipes and crafts, and meeting the bloggers(on line). The blogs take me away for a while, till I need to get back home.I follow new(to me) blogs that are fun to read, and no two are the same.

  7. I follow a lot. contest and great tuorials will get me to follow. I just signed up to follow you too! I love the kitties!!!

  8. Let's see i do remember you and your kitties from "all about me" What makes me click follow is pictures, the ability to learn something from that person it could be the littlest things, like how you love your kitties or a tutorial but I do follow allot probably over 100 and just love this community....enjoy everyday...

  9. Love all the kitty commentary. I really don't know how many quilt blogs I actively follow - just that there's a lot of them. I prefer getting blog updates in my email box (I read your posts that way). I love tutorials, pictures, tips & tricks. Thanks for the chance to win.

  10. What a great post !! I love the cats speaking :-) But the best picture is the one of the pink beautiful girl !!!!
    I also love the fabric you are giving away. never seen that before and that would be such wonderufl fabric for a "storybook" quilt I attend to make.

    1. I forgot to answer your questions LOL

      1) How many blogs do you actively follow?
      There are so many and I think it are at least 100 and yes I keep following and reading them.

      2) What makes YOU click the "follow" button?
      When I like a blog and i don't want to miss any post that is been made.

    2. I follow about 39 blogs...... usually I click follow if I feel like that person and I would be mates in real life x

  11. I only follow a few blogs, and they have to be really special. Usually I'm watching a new technique or an original process that I want to learn.

  12. I think I follow a gazzilion blogs. I follow blogs if they provide me with an opportunity to follow by email (I prefer that to a reader) and if they seem to have a similar style (Kitties are a bonus!). Thanks for the giveaway! I follow you by email and enjoy keeping up with you and the kitties!

  13. Right now, I have 151 in my reading list that I follow. Pictures, quilts, and travel photos are some of my favorite things that help me decide to follow. Oh, and I prefer not to hear music when I read a blog.

  14. I follow about 40 blogs everyday and then when there is hop I will look at all of those. I don't get out much so I enjoy reading about other peoples day, and I like to see what everyone is making and I love it when they show me how to make someting..

  15. I follow about 100 blogs for inspiration. I love to see what fabrics are trending and each blogger has there own type of inspiration

  16. I follow about 75 blogs . Sometimes I follow because something in there post caught my attention.

  17. I don't know how many blogs I follow ... I'm afraid to add them up. I start following blogs because they may have a tutorial I like or because items they make are something I'm interested in.

  18. Oh thank you sweet Jesus...someone with as many cats as I have...I know now that I am closer to normal..LOL! I follow too many blogs to count...I supposed if I see something I like about the blog, I follow it....especially if it has kittys and makes me laugh! Thanks for the giveaway!

  19. I just found your blog through the hop and it had me in stitches! Your kidees are fantastic! I probably follow 100 blogs or so and I look for places that are creative and have recent posts. I live to be inspired by new ideas so I read as many as I can! Signing up to follow you now. :) Thanks for the chance to win!

  20. 1) How many blogs do you actively follow?
    There are so many..cannot comment each but I keep reading them)

    2) What makes YOU click the "follow" button?
    When I like a blog...tutorials, photos etc. here i love the cats)

    Thank you for the giveaway!

  21. Wow! This trip to your blog had been fun! I follow way too many, over 100. I now follow based on interests, and friendship.

  22. Gotta love your KiDees. I would probably follow 12 different blogs. I like getting creative quilting ideas; recipes and maybe a new tutorial or a free quilt pattern to add to your collection. This Beat the Winter Blues Blog Hop will bring a lot of new followers and I am sure they will be clicking on your button all week long. You have picked a nice piece o kitty fabric to give away. Since I have a black cat, I am positive she will want to add this cat fabric to her own stash.

    Sandi Timmons

  23. What a great giveaway! I follow 300+ blogs but of course I don't get to read every one every day, because I also blog - and I have to find time to quilt in there too :*) Not to mention my poor hubby who asks for just a little time for him! I like blogs that are active and have regular posts, with lots of projects that are fun to follow. Lots of pictures too, and it must be easy to read. Humor and cats are definitely bonuses :*D

  24. I thinnk I follow about 200 (yikes!!!), but I am a master scanner. I skip certain posts when busy, but always take the time to read the posts from about 15 favorite blogs. Great photography and projects are certainly what make me hit the follow button.

  25. I follow about 250 blogs as well as write my own. I follow blogs that have great quilts, both in color and technique.

  26. The reason for the 7/8ths made me laugh :) I actively (as in do not miss a post) probably about 10 blogs... I just don't have time to dedicate to more...

  27. I actively follow 6 blogs. I follow them because they make things I love, we have the same taste, I also follow them because they post often, around once a week. I have also NOT followed blogs when the blogger makes you follow or like their FB page to win a prize, even if I really like their stuff and their blog. Cute kitties!!

  28. I follow over 100 blogs - not all quilting. I find their content inspiring & educational.
    Thanks for the kitty chuckles - this fabric would be ideal for my daughter, a professed cataholic.
    bandkgram (at) hotmail (dot) ca

  29. I follow 30 or 40 blogs, usually chosen based on designs and fabric choices. Extra points when doggies and kitties are involved :)

  30. First of all, I follow quite a few blogs, probably over 100 for sure! I love to discover new techniques and tools, new fabric lines, seeing new projects, and just plain ol' getting inspired!

  31. I love to follow blogs but some times that love means that each blog may not get read every day. My reader (where I read blogs) Tells me there are 1000+ blogs waiting for me to read. I am scared to look at how many blogs I really follow. For me when I have time I skim read every blog (in random order) to share my love equally. When I get too far behind I mark them all read and start over.

    What I look for is things that amuse me or inspire me. I am a male quilter and so if a blog does too much non quilting stuff I tend to not read it as much or remove it from reader. I tend to read blogs more when hunting for a new project. While I read blogs I pin every post that excites me (as future project ideas). When I get really far behind I just quickly scroll though them looking for pictures that inspire. Your blog is now in my reader list and I look forward to seeing the things you make. If you desire I also have a blog stop by and see what makes me tick.

    Richard and Tanya Quilts

  32. Blogs that are easy to read with few distractions are most appealing to me (aging eyes you know). I also love traditional quilts, and of course kitties - what quilter do you know doesn't have a cat?!! Great fabric - would love to win this one!

  33. Blogging keeps me busy when I'm not quilting. Being an 'empty-nester' and all, I wanted more interaction with like minded blogging friends. I click that follow button when I feel something in common with them and sometimes even add them to my Blogroll when they come to my Blog and Follow me. Everyone loves the "giveaways and when I join a Blog Hop it gets me more followers.
    So, I Blog for Comments, LOL. Don't we all!??

  34. Very fun post! I follow many blogs. I decide to follow when I saw tutorials and beautiful posts and also great tips.

  35. Meow.....I loved reading your and your friends, ahem, are very talented meow writers. Meow. I actively follow about six blogs but "follow" hundreds in the blogging community as a gesture of solidarity and support. I love blog hopping and reading what my fellow stitchers think and do. Meow. I tend to leave long, rambling messages for people I follow enthusiastically, like you. Come over and let's let the felines get acquainted. Our resident two have their own blogs but they haven't been writing as much as I would like. Too much quilt testing going on meow, i.e., napping on floofy fabric, as they say. I hope you'll drop by soon....kindred spirits, we.

  36. I love to follow any blog that is educational and FUN! I'm new, so right now I follow about 5 blogs.

  37. I truely follow around 100. SOme giveaway ones, some quilting and knitting ones, and a few random ones. I tend to click follow if I like what I see, and want to come back,

    (I also am guilty off following some just for the giveaway rules too).

    Love the kitties!!

  38. I tend to get bored easily and am always on the prowl for new patterns & techniques to keep me interested in completing a project. The patterns don't have to be free (although free IS great!). I'm looking for inspiration and there's a lot to be found on quilt related blogs. Oh, and giveaways a wonderful too...thanks!

  39. I follow a few blogs of friends, only because I work full time and want to spend my free time sewing, Thank You!

  40. I follow way too many blogs. Like probably a couple of hundred. There are some I would like to stop following but I cannot figure out how to. Because I can't unfollow, I'm a bit cautious about following new ones because there is only so much time in a day.... Different things draw me to blogs and it is usually just a whim that grabs me. I love the party atmosphere you've created here for this hop :)

  41. I follow maybe a dozen blogs, I don't have time for too many. They have to be either personal friends and/or quilters.

  42. I love your blog! I am a servant to four cats. I follow about 40 blogs - I don't get to all of them every week though. I click if I like their quilts, their sense of humor, or their recipes. Thanks for the fun!

  43. I usually follow blog for its tutorials, love to learn new things... I follow about 50 blogs :) Thanks so much for this great giveaway!

  44. What a fun fabric! I follow about 50. I usually start to follow if I find the blog different in some way or inspiring. Some I like for the pictures some for the fun posts and I loose interest in some after few weeks. Thanks.

  45. Love the kitties! I follow over a 100 blogs, but only actively view 20 or so a day. I mainly push the follow button when I see a quilt or quilts that I really love. They are all fun and fabulous, but I have a limited amount of time to read. So they have to catch my attention with some real eye candy. Thanks for a chance to win.

  46. I follow over 100 blogs it may be up near 200 by now. I just love seeing what people are making especially if it has to do with sewing or quilting and bright colors! I enjoy blogs with lots of tutes and pictures. It also helps if they are amusing at times. Your kittys are so adorable, don't tell them though,don't want it going to their heads then they would never stop bugging you to have their own blog. Love your choice of fabric for the giveaway, thanks for the chance to win. I will now be following your blog. The cord holders are great!

  47. I follow 2 blogs. I guess I really liked the writing and the pics were supportive of what they have to say.

    BTW I love your husband's board shirt.

  48. I follow multi blogs, can't guess how many. Well over 100 I think. I don't read them every day, but when I look at my feed I like to look at tutorials. I also tend to open the ones that have a colourful block or quilt pictured. Your cats are fun, isn't it strange how many quilters love cats?!! Thanks for a great give away!

  49. I follow lots of blogs, but I read about 20 on a daily basis. I follow when a blog has a post that touches my heart or my heart, shows lots of quilting ideas or is consistent in what is offered. I also like when I can read quickly if I want to skim. Thanks.

  50. I read 8 on a daily basis, 20 on a weekly basis, and I am "connected" via FaceBook and Google to many, many more. Clicking "Follow" doesn't really mean anything to me; I put blogs in my "Frequent" folder if they have a lot of tutorials, quirky sense of humor, and/or showcase fabrics like I have in my stash. I tend to discard blogs that have too much cooking and recipe stuff. I am lucky in that my husband does most of the cooking. He knows I hate cooking.

  51. I follow about 50 blogs by now. I follow blogs that I like and can find inspiration in. I never follow blogs to be a part in a bloghop. Greetings from Turid in Norway.

  52. I "follow" probably 100 blogs through GFC - but here's the thing: I never read the posts. I clicked "join" (or whatever) because it was a condition of leaving a comment or for a giveaway or something like that. I no longer do that - it feels a bit like blackmail.

    If you have interesting content -- if you're witty or inventive or otherwise engaging, I'll take the extra step to subscribe to your feed in my reader. I tend to shy away from mommy blogs and proselytization for the most part, but there are exceptions to every rule.

    I follow about 40 quilting blogs (and more of other types) through Google Reader. I don't have to visit blogs individually to check to see if something new is posted, the new posts automagically pop up when they're made.

  53. I follow about 200 blogs right now and it is the originality and the fun content that keeps me coming back!

  54. Oh my! I loooooove this fabric. We're cat fans at this house too.

    I actively follow about 10 blogs - meaning I check those ones daily - but less actively follow about 50. I click on the follow button when I see good photos, clever (and easy to read text) posts, and projects that are the type that I would like to do someday.

  55. I didn't follow many until this hop, but I am eager to start. I have previously clicked follow for great tutorials. Now I have been clicking because on some you have to in order to be entered to win. After the giveaways the ones I truly enjoyed will make the final cut. :)

  56. Oh, that fabric is awesome! I follow probably 15 blogs, maybe 60, I don't know and tutorials and recipes usually get me to click the "follow."

  57. What makes me click the "follow" button? Well, let's see, interesting tutorials, beautiful quilts, a good sense of humor (you win!) and floating hearts don't hurt, either!

    Plus you have more cats than I do ... I "only" have three!

  58. Love the fabric. Thanks for sharing and for the opportunity on the draw. I follow about 20 blogs overall. Tutorials and lots of pictures always bring me back.

  59. I really follow only about a dozen blogs, and I must say that I follow them because 1) I learn something from them, 2) they post fairly often (not daily necessarily, but not once a month either. I do have my google groups that I can flip through quickly to check out what folks that post less often are up to too, but i do enjoy regular posters (although I don't know how anyone who does that gets anything done!)

  60. I would LOVE this fabric !! I do follow about 20 - 30 blogs really close, a lot more blogs I visit sometimes. What makes me click follow - hmmm. First, it might be a newbie: I still remember how thrilled I was to have some followers ! Second: the content interests me.

  61. I "follow" 608 blogs but many of them do not blog regularly and I guess there are about 20 that I actively seek out to see what is going on. I love blogs that have a cute or interesting header, good photos and topics that interest me. I just adore blogs that have cats. Not long now and I can brow beat my hubby into letting me have a cat of my own (once we have moved into our future home) Very cute fabric for the giveaway.
    Cath @ Bits 'n Bobs

  62. I don't really read blogs on a daily basis, if I did I'd never get any sewing done! Sometimes when I have some spare time and am in a creative rut, I'll seek out quilting blogs for inspiration.

  63. I am a follower at 220 blogs +++ but during the day I can be visiting from 10 - 30 bloggs. What makes me become a follower...... I love to become a follower when I se things I can learn some out of - creative bloggs - for me that can be artquilt - free motion quilts - playing/dying fabrics +++ Sometime I become a follower for join in on a give away.
    Love your cat fabric - would love it - to combi with some embroidery of cats :-)
    Have a great and creative day.

  64. Just LOVE this Blog! I'm a Krazy Kwilting Kat lady and think your Furbabies are the cats meow. FlossieFluff Dupres Dubois just saw your furbabies and is giving me jealous nudges. I KNOW she would love new quilt to lounge on made from this cute fabric. She's given it her mew of approval! Thanks for making me smile today! I don't follow many blogs cause it take time away from quilting, but, if they are whimsical I can be purrrrsuaded to stop by for a smile.

  65. I'm not sure how many blogs I follow. I rarely remove one, so they just keep adding up.

    I follow blogs either because they're giving something away and I can get an extra chance (hey, I can't lie, I do that all the time) or if they're fun like YOUR blog.

    LOVE your blog. It's so fun and original (and I love your cat family). And your giveaway prize? LOVE IT. Novelty prints make me crazy and cat novelty prints. Yeah, my head just exploded.

  66. I don´t have a clue :) I visit a lot of qiltbloggers every day, but I´m not actually following them. Only if they are wordpress! So your cats may be on my favoritelist even though I´m not following the blog!
    Gun, Sweden

  67. I probably follow about 100 blogs. I like to follow if the bloggers post at least a few posts a month and if they have pictures of their quilts, pets etc.

  68. I follow about 100 blogs . I click the button when the blog inspires me to create and save money at the same time.Thank you for the chance to win this lovely prize and taking part in the hop.

  69. What a fun giveaway and your post is great!! I follow lots and lots of blogs and usually it is because I like the way they write and the info they have!

  70. I follow lots of blogs, too many to count. I click the follow button when I read several entries and they are entertaining and interesting. I am definitely clicking follow on this blog. And not just because I'm a cat lover too, but that helps!! That cat fabric is right up my alley.

  71. Ein superschöner Blog und zudem sehr witzig ;-)

    Ich werde gerne eine neue Leserin

    Grüße aus Deutschland

  72. Love your blog, and you are so lucky to still have your mom. She looks very happy.
    1. I don't have a number for the blogs I view, but I have them all in my favorites and check on them whenever I can.
    2. Word of mouth, sew-alongs, great post, and of course giveaways.
    Thanks for being in this hop.

  73. I follow way too many blogs!!!
    I choose to follow those that post craft projects that appeal to me either in pattern or colour usage.

  74. I don't even know how many blogs I follow, but it's a lot! A blog I choose to follow has to have something that catches my eye. I look for inspiration first, then how the blog is presented is important to me. Like I want to be able to see the photos, some are so small. Too many ads is a turn off and I don't like page jumps. I like to learn new things too.

  75. I follow a LOT of blogs........I get started because of hops and a chance to win something I keep going back because of a tutorial or recipes or you are just plain funny. I don't have cats....the parrots have voted that idea down and the wee small wiener dogs think they are some evil thing that want to take over the back yard. My son however has 4 cats and so i get my cat fix by visiting him. I leave the hubby at home because he's allergic. yeah right!

  76. I follow about 20 blogs, and usually because of good tutorials.
    I have three cats, and my border collies tries to herd them!

  77. I don't know how many blogs I follow. I prefer blogs that are colourful, and about textile related stuff. I don't want to read about personal lives of bloggers. That's fine for family and friends. I do like to red bout tutorials.

  78. I have no idea how many blogs I follow... I'm guessing 100+. I usually follow a blog because of a tutorial or a how-to / tips that help me with learning to quilt or because of the style of quilts. Thanks for a chance to win! :)

  79. Me and kitty follow about a million. We follow because they have great projects, tutorials and photos.

  80. way to many, I gave up counting them a long time ago

  81. I currently follow about 20 blogs. I follow when the blog is what I consider fun, has good content (pictures for inspiration, well written tutorials, free patterns, cat pictures & humor). Kinda like this blog which I am signing up to follow.

    I love the fabric you are giving away. I haven't seen that one before now. I look forward to the cat brigade's blog :-) Susan

    senstrings at yahoo dto com

  82. ohhh I love that fabric, i follow a large number of blogs and I enjoy tutorials, good pictures and some normal life chat :)

  83. I follow WAY too many blogs but they are SO much fun!!!
    I have your Biased picture as my desktop backgroud as it is SO me!!!
    I have lots of cats and my initial is L too:) Sweet!!!

  84. I follow 200+ blogs! I visit a variety of quilting, craft, book and thrifty blogs. The blogs I enjoy the most are instructional with good photos.

  85. I follow around 25 blogs. I tend to follow a blog if they have tutorials I like or are funny. I like blogs with lots of photos too.
    Your cats are darling. I wish I had as many as you!

    ktreve (at) hotmail (dot) com

  86. I follow around 5 blogs. Nice giwe away.

  87. Oh I have just started on this blog journey and I think I have joined all of the sites that were participating in the blog hop! It has been so much fun. Thanks for the chance to win.

  88. First off, my 5 yr old son (who wants to be a veterinarian ) read your post with me. He loves the "cat comics" he calls it. His favorite cat is Soxie because "that cat is good winker!" I'd love to incorporate the Kitty Chronicles into a small quilt for him. But then he'd probably be reading instead of napping, but hey, that's not all that bad :) I don't watch a lot of tv, but read blogs through my phone's google reader. So I can read it chronologically, or search by keyword. I follow alot of blogs but don't know the number. So I guess you could say that blog reading is my tv :)

  89. thank you for this chance to win. I love to know new blogs and to support them. hugs Alessandra

  90. Hi ann, right now I am reading 5 but after the hop I will read several and weed them out. I am sorry if that hurts but I am sure most quilters do the same thing. I want to win that fabric I am a cat and dog person but I will frame that.

  91. Love the kitties!!! I follow way too many blogs. What catches my eye is the "tutorial" links. Thanks for the chance to win.

  92. I will follow any blog associated with quilting. I have over 1000 blogs. I also follow fashion, and some "mommy" blogs. If I think people are funny and genuine, I press the button. I love that fabric :)


I just love to hear from you and I truly do read every comment. Sometimes life gets a wee bit crazy and I'm not always able to reply to them all...but I'll keep trying! If you are Anonymous or a no-reply blogger, leave your email with your comment, otherwise there's no way I can reply to you - and maybe you're okay with that - but if there's a give-away and you'll never know!