
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Tootin' my MoJo Horn!

Edited 3/13/13: Change of didn't happen today.
I chose to let this post remain as I really hate it when I click on a story, only to have a semi-blank page appear, saying 
"This Post Has Been Removed or is No Longer Available"
I always wonder what happened...what did I miss...why is it now gone when it's supposed to be there.
Long story short - I've spent the entire day at the ER with my Mom.
She has been admitted for a few days (oh, I pray it's only a few days) and should return home good as new. More to follow when I actually KNOW something.

It's no secret that I'm a huge fan of 
I follow his blog...
I stalk him on Facebook...
and I hide away in our shop classroom
so I can listen to his radio show 
every Wednesday afternoon @ 3pm EST.
If you're a fan of the delightfully outrageous 
Captain Cupcake
then you know he has been patiently waiting for a much needed kidney transplant.
(ok, not always so patient, but he sure has been waiting).
 All of his Pickle Road followers are thrilled that finally, a date has been set for his surgery.
For the next few weeks, Mark will be taking a break from his radio show...
but never fear...
the show WILL go on each week as his friend
takes over as his special Guest Host!
Nessa makes her debut as the hostess with the mostess on today's show. 
You can read all about it, and meet Nessa on Marks Blog.
I'm really excited about Nessa's line up of guests today....because...
(here comes the Horn Tootin') of her guests is

Won't you join in for a listen? 
I think this will be Most Fun!
Lynn ~ The Thimblemouse >"<


  1. I'll be at work but never fear, I will listen later via itunes!

    Mary Ann

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I was sorry to hear that your mom was ill when Nessa announced it on the show today. I hope she gets well soon and that you can be on a future show.

    (Previous comment deleted due to a grammatical error.)


I just love to hear from you and I truly do read every comment. Sometimes life gets a wee bit crazy and I'm not always able to reply to them all...but I'll keep trying! If you are Anonymous or a no-reply blogger, leave your email with your comment, otherwise there's no way I can reply to you - and maybe you're okay with that - but if there's a give-away and you'll never know!