
Monday, April 15, 2013

MeOwZa MoNDay - Celebrate KiDee Style

We simply want to say
oh most awesome readers
out there in blogland!

Whether you're a faithful or sometimes follower...
or maybe brand new...
We think you're the cat's pajamas...
and we have some Give-Aways for You!

Feast your little cat eyes on all that!
Fabulous Felines 20" x 24" (approx) panel
and 5 Chubby Eighths!

Our momma the mouse made some
Purrrrrfect Little Pincushions
and she's going to add one to that
Fabulous Feline Bundle of Fun

And if that just doesn't tickle your whiskers...
guess what?
We will pick...
Not 1...
Not 2...
Not 3...
Yes,there were

This Celebration wouldn't be complete....
 without a visit from our very special waggy tail friend...
So here she is...straight from the heavens above...
There's a sweet little tute before you go.
Make your own
  Purrrfect Little Pincushion
from the directions below.

Thanks again one and all for joining in the fun. 
Don't forget to leave A comment...
a HI will suffice...
just so we know you were here. 

Come back on Thursday April 18th 
when we share our 10" foundation pieced block pattern for 

Quick Purrrfect Little Pincushion Tutorial
We rough cut the heart motifs from Laurel Burches "Fabulous Felines"
Adapt the instructions for your fabric shapes
Just follow the steps shown.
Have FUN!

Step 4 -  below, be sure to leave enough 
"cutting space" between shapes. I try to leave
at least 1"

Step 6 - I love my blanket stitch...
but you could use a "zig-zag" or any of your
favorite applique stitches. 
Even a tiny straight stitch could work.
Hint: Leave Long Tails when you start and finish - 
they will be pulled to the 'back' 
(see step 7) and trimmed...long tails make it easier for tying.

Decorative Stitching complete on pincushion front

Step 7 - Whenever I do ANY type of applique work, topstitching, etc...
I always bring my front threads to the back and secure...then hide.

Step 8 - Rough cut a piece of felt for the BACKSIDE - 
this should be slightly larger than the front for easier 
placement and stitching.

Step 9 - I use the same color thread (as my blanket stitch)
to straight stitch around the heart shape - 
my stitches follow the outer edge of the blanket stitch
(or you could use thread to match your felt foundation and 
stitch beyond the blanket stitch for another 'look')

Step 10 - Leave an opening about 2" for stuffing.
Secure and hide threads before stuffing.

Step 11 - I stuff before I trim the felt edges.
My favorite stuffing unsharpened wooden pencil -
I used the 'eraser' end for stuffing.

Step 13 - the end.

That's all Furrriends
Hope you Enjoyed this as much as We did!
We can't say this enough....

Lynn and Bob
The Thimblemouse and Spouse
The KiDees


  1. Meeeeeeeowza.....Happy Anniversary. Love the tute as well! Love you, Miss Lynn!

  2. Happy 100th to you all! I so enjoy your posts and I'm happy that I found you! Best "fishes" as you continue to blog and keep us entertained and enspired!

  3. HAPPY BLOGAVERSARY!!! I am so happy that I found your blog. I enjoy reading everything that you write and seeing the things you make.You make me laugh every time I visit. I really love the KIDees. Thank you so much for a wonderful blog and for the great giveaway.

  4. Happy 100th! Thank you for the cute tute. I'm looking forward to many more posts.

  5. Happy 100th. Great tutorial and generous giveaway.

  6. happy 100th post & 1 year blogoversary to you....yippeeee!!!!!Me Oh Za!!!!! Thanks for the great tutorial as well.

  7. Happy, happy blogiversary! from Jacque (aka Snoodles)
    Purrfectly wonderful to see you kidees hving a partay! Me loves a partay...pass the nip, please? from Moses, the Studio Cat

  8. Congratulations on your blogiversary! Your kitties are adorable, and so is the pincushion! Thanks for the fun!

  9. Happy Blogiversary and congrats on 100 posts! :) I love your Meowza Monday posts and am so happy your kidees could celebrate with you today. Thanks for the quick tutorial too! :) You can never have enough pin cushions!

  10. Congrats on your 100 posts! That's quite an accomplishment. Love the pincushion and the cat panel.

  11. Congrats on your 100 posts and hears to many more. Thanks for the pincushion tutorial, I love and collect them so am always looking for new ones to try. Thank you for sharinh such a l;ovely giveaway too.

  12. Happy Blogaversary! I do my blog reading first thing every morning and start smiling whenever I see you have posted as they put me in a good mood! Thanks for jump starting my day!

  13. Found my way to your blog thru the "Mug Rug Hop" the other day. It is now on my list of reading everyday. Lovin the pincushions as they are different and so bright! Thank You!

  14. Congratulations and happy blogiversary!

  15. Awww..Kitties aren't in the giveaway!! LOL Love this fabric and pincushion. Thanks for the chance to win them.

  16. What a fun party , congratulations and Happy Blogaversary !! Sweet pincushions , thanks for the chance.

  17. Happy 100th! Love your blog, you always make me smile. Thanks for the giveaway and the tutorial. :) vickise at gmail dot com

  18. Happy 1st blogaversary. I love the cats here. The humans aren't too bad either :-). Thanks for the chance to win.


    senstrings at yahoo dotcom

  19. Very nice giveaway! love the pin cushions!
    hulseybg at gmail dot com

  20. NIce giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win. :)

  21. Congratulations on the 100th post. I love Laurel Burch fabrics. Your pincushion looks great! Thanks for the giveaway.

  22. Congratulations! Fantastic giveaway. I am a follower via email.

  23. Congrats!!!!! Partay away!!!!!
    Love the Tut and of course the real erason I follow are the meowsers:)

  24. Glad I found you through the mug rug blog hop - a nice site. Lovely fabric and tute - Thanks!

  25. Glad I found you through the mug rug blog hop - a nice site. Lovely fabric and tute - Thanks!

  26. Hello, I love the pincushions and happy 100th post and will be following for many more. I found you through the april showers blog hop, your mug rugs are adorable.
    smjohns63 at yahoo dot com

  27. Wow. Love the giveaway, Love the kidees, Love the pincushion. Just hopped by on my way through the April Showers Blog Hop. Your blog is a lovely stop.

  28. Love the tutorial and the fabric you used! gotta come in and get some! :)

  29. Love the pin cushions. Next stop, April Showers Blog Hop.

  30. So very happy for you, the spouse and the kideez. Love ya tons!!! Congrats quilting sister, you are the best ever and I love you tons!!! Cutest blog on the net!!!

  31. Lynn, I always love reading any of your blogs, seeing your creativity, and trying to inspire us (me specific), Keep it up.
    Sandie (

  32. Thank you for the wonderful giveaway and the Chance to win

    greetings from Germany

  33. What a lovely giveaway! thanks for a chance to win!
    hulseybg at gmail dot com


I just love to hear from you and I truly do read every comment. Sometimes life gets a wee bit crazy and I'm not always able to reply to them all...but I'll keep trying! If you are Anonymous or a no-reply blogger, leave your email with your comment, otherwise there's no way I can reply to you - and maybe you're okay with that - but if there's a give-away and you'll never know!