
Sunday, May 4, 2014

Skinny Sunday - Short and Sweet

Welcome to another Skinny Sunday

It's been a crazy week with barely time to stop and catch my breath.
Thankfully no major upsets this week...
actually no minor ones either...
just 100 things on my "to-do" list...
and not enough hours in the day!

So you're in for a treat...
I'm really going to keep this post
"short and sweet"

My aim when choosing a recipe to try,
is finding one with everyday ingredients.

Buttermilk for some of you might not be unusual...
but really's never been in our fridge.
When recipes call for it, I might do the 'milk & vinegar' thing....
but more often than not....I'll just skip that recipe all together.

I was very excited to find this
at our local Publix grocery store this week.

Powdered Buttermilk - found in the baking aisle!
Now I'll always have it on hand.

I used it to try a new 'ranch dressing' recipe...
which had a good taste...very low points....
but it was very thin and runny...
The directions said it needed to chill at least an hour to thicken....
It's been FOUR days....
no change...*sigh*....
I'm sure it was me!
I will keep tweeking it...I love a challenge!

Meanwhile...3 of my favorite finds:

The Cranberry Honey Mustard is Awesome...
and usually found in the "Deli" department.
We use it in wraps...
on turkey burgers...
chicken burgers...
veggie burgers...
'burger burgers..
I will admit until this post...I didn't know it had 1pp for a Tablespoon
(regular mustards are usually 0 unless you use the whole bottle I imagine)
but a teaspoon would be a tease....I'll take the point!
It's worth it!

The "Ponzu" sauce is Wonderful! 
It also comes "lime" seasoned which we haven't tried.
We use it in place of soy sauce...
it doesn't take much to season our stir fry
and I think adds a much better flavor!

The sodium count is even LOWER than the 
low sodium soy sauce we've used in the past.
Just a Tablespoon or two...0 points.

The Spouse and I are really coffee drinkers...
and I mean REALLY!!!
But at night we enjoy a nice cup of hot tea.
We've never acquired the taste for herbal teas...
but we do love the green teas which have less caffeine than the black
(or so they say)
Served nice and takes a while to drink...
and curbs my appetite....

Of tea needs a partner...
my sweetest find to date...
  Bless Weight Watchers Peanut Butter Brownie Bliss Heart!

 Pure Bliss!

Yes, they are small....but I've learned the fine art of nibbling...
I can make one last a really looooooooooong time.
I keep them in the fridge...Best served COLD (imho)
We are lucky because they are often a BOGO item somewhere...
(trust any given moment...
I know when/where they are on sale...
yes...they are now a 'staple')

Okeedokee y'all...
again...a major FAIL for keeping this short and sweet.
It's just not in my nature to be brief...
but I'll keep trying.

Thanks for the Visit....
Have a Great Week!


  1. Thanks for the ponzu and green tea ideas! Also, if you keep the powdered buttermilk in an airtight container, it keeps it from getting hard. Have a great week sista!

  2. i am not a tea drinker but husband has got me hooked and it's not on just any tea, no it's tea that cost $200 a lb. it's Japanese and it's wonderful. we are able to buy it in bulk at the grocery store. i find that tea has a bitter after taste, this does not. my husband makes a cup for me every night. it's the only tea i'll drink. Those peanut butter brownie bliss look wonderful, i will have to get some.


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