
Thursday, May 24, 2012


To market to market to buy a fat quarter....that's where we've Kansas City at Spring Quilt Market and it was FABULOUS! Dear spouse and I were gone from our dear little shop for 13 days - I don't think we've EVER been gone 13 a row. Today was the first day back at work and I can't wait to tell you all about the fun we had....but will have to wait as my eyes are crossed and dear Willy cat is insisting I pay attention to him (so good to be loved and missed). 

But soon my friends....very soon...:)

Lynn ~ The Thimblemouse >"<

Sunday, May 13, 2012

My "Kids" Insisted!

Another late night...but oh what a treat! I just knocked off another "TO DO" on my list... and it's really sweet! My wonderful 'spouse' bought me a new camera for Mother's day...okay...not really...but he DID pick it out. I surfed the world wide to find the best price...and when the bill comes...he'll pay...very nice!

I needed a camera case..naturally one that I'd make....quilted of to Market I can take. (sorry..when I'm over tired I tend to think in 'rhyme'...I'll try to stop...just give me time...oops..haha). 

I'd planned to work on a special Mother's Day 'card' for my special Mother tonight - but my printer has no ink. Waaaa. Thought seriously about going to sleep...but my 'kids' meowed and woofed and rolled over (in their sleep so it appears)...

BEGGING me to take a little time for MYSELF and work on my camera case. I always listen to 'my kids'.

I love when there are pretty 'scraps' just Right for a project. The fabrics were 'left overs' from the Karma Baby quilt I made this week. JUST enough left for a camera case with a strap.

Isn't it cute? Even a zipper! (the kids insisted) I'm pleased!

My new camera is very happy too it's new little case of white, green & blue (couldn't help myself) 
Lynn ~ The Thimblemouse >"<

Friday, May 11, 2012

One Tired Mouse

I really need to put "breakfast & lunch" on my TO DO list. Sometimes I get so involved I just plum forget (yet as you see food is never far from my mind). Late this afternoon I sat quietly for a moment thinking 'what will I make for supper' - I started counting the points I'd consumed so far (I've been following Weight Watchers since July) - let's see...2pp for my morning coffee creamer (the nice thing about ww - you can have anything you want as long as you count the points and I will NOT give up my Hazelnut creamer)...and then...then...eegads - I'd forgotten to eat all day! Here's why....

Just before the shop closed last night we got a delivery. We opened the box this morning and found the absolute CUTEST baby panel and coordinates from Northcott Fabrics - "Karma Baby" - I could NOT resist - even tho it was not on my TO DO list. So between customers and "Jo's Little Women Club" - I cut borders - attached borders and ta-da! 

I conned my friend Diane into being the 'guest quilt holder' - I may have promised I would crop off her head but maybe I didn't and she just looks so dang happy I had to include that smile :)

It was later quilted (I LOVE my longarming 'spouse') and now ready for binding in the morning ~ yey! more handwork for 'the road'. 

Back to "TO DO" more thing off the list - I worked up a paper pieced mini for my Mom last night - I'm thrilled with the way it came out and it too is now ready for 'the road'. 

The center of the vase (where you see the pink) was supposed to have a 'pieced' design... but after midnight last night when I got to that part...I had a little talk with myself... "what WERE you thinking?" ~ and myself decided Mom would be just as happy with some buttons or beads.  So stay tuned for the finished fleur diddie in a couple more weeks.

 I've just looked at my LIST and see #15 is  "Get Some Sleep" - this little mouse is going to bed! 

Nighties >"<

PS....We didn't forget 'supper' - to be safe - we ate out :)

Thursday, May 10, 2012

To Do List ~ Update

Not quite 'crazy'...not quite 'calm'... but managed to knock a few more things OFF my "To Do Before Market" list. If you caught my post a couple weeks back - the one where we kinda misplaced our Maggie girl for a wee bit you'll be happy to know we didn't forget her today! Yes...another 'groomers' visit on the way to work this morning..but to be safe I made a little note to remember...

...pretty sad that I needed a note...but would have been sadder still had we forgotten "again" ~ LOL

While Maggie was being pampered I continued to work on my friends quilt and SO HAPPY to report that ALL 20 BLOCKS ARE DONE! Not only finished BUT sewn together and hanging on the design wall...ready for borders...which will happen AFTER market ~ Yey Me! 

Maggie returned...looking so pretty in Pink...
...yet still refusing to look at the camera...but another "To Do" bites the dust!

A wonderful customer stopped in early to bring me a little treat. I love making dolls...but I haven't made or taught one in awhile. This sweet little lady is trying to 'bribe' me into starting again I think...she left me this magazine from her's now packed for 'road reading'....I'll pack a few more books and #10 on my TO DO list...will be complete.

Last week I put together a little quickie quilt -  a panel of my favorite "Cat In The Hat" fabric with a simple border. Sweet longarming "spouse" fit it into his quilting schedule today much to my surprise ~ I attached the stripey binding and yippee yey ~ some 'handwork' for the road trip. (only 67 more things on my "list" ~ I'm making progress!)

We closed shop a tad early....47 minutes to be exact. My mom is in assisted living and there was a special "Family Picnic" planned for 4:30pm. I can't believe I forgot to take pictures (it wasn't on my To Do list - ha).

Started a little paper pieced project tonight for my Mom's wall (#12 on the list) and hoping to finish machine work tomorrow ~ oops I guess that's today ~ at this rate we'll have to be gone for a month with all the 'handwork' and reading I'm planning. Stay tuned and see you soon :)

Lynn ~ The Thimblemouse >"<

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Calming the "Crazies"

As quiet and "piece-full" as Sunday was .... I knew when Monday hit ~ the CRAZIES would start. I wasn't wrong. Quilt Market in Kansas City is fast approaching and we're treating ourselves to a little R&R there. I'm not so sure you can call 3 days of non-stop booth hopping in virtually a mind-overloaded-with quilts-and ideas environment 'relaxing' but it sure will be FUN!  Before we can take our quick little jaunt however...I came up with a "to do" list ... 72 things I MUST get shop notes to instructions...handsewing to pack (which naturally involves cutting and even some sewing to have something to hand sew...redundant...I agree). 

I was working on #3 of my list...actually not even feeling 'crazy' when the first person to stop in the shop early Monday morning was a friend checking up on the progress of 'her quilt' - the quilt I am "making" for said friend....the quilt I KNEW she did not need until August...the quilt that at that moment was securely tucked away still looking very much like...just WAS still just fabric. And then my quiet morning blew all to heck! Guess who wrote the 'due date' WRONG? Guess who needs to have a finished quilt FINISHED shortly after market is over? Guess who was wishing right then and there she never ever LEARNED to quilt.

Cue the "CRAZIES"!!!

But now it's about 30 hours later and guess Who is almost "calm"? It's true...I work best under pressure. After my mini-meltdown "after" my friend left the shop...because of course...I told her "No Problem...your quilt will be done...don't worry"....let me go stick a knife in my eye (ok I didn't really say the knife thing -  but it's amazing she couldn't see the little "thought bubble" over my head)...I came up with the 'perfect' layout...did I mention it's a memory quilt with 20 pictures to prepare *gasp*...but still...the absolute perfect layout just fell into my lap. I knew I would feel more at ease if I could at least get the fabric cut BEFORE we hit the road. And gee..if I could get the pictures all transferred to fabric BEFORE we depart that would be good. So.....

This morning we were up and out at O'Dark 30 - because hey...the cat needs to be neutered (#5 on the list) and we have a wonderful low cost vet clinic we use but you have to be there at o'dark 45 to get a place in line. We made it. Here's Jaxon "before"

He made it through just fine - a "new man" - but no 'after' picture - he's a little miffed with us and hasn't come out of hiding.

But back to the quilt....we were at our shop a couple hours early and I took advantage of the 'free time' (I would have still been sleeping - so Thanks Jaxon!). I cut out all the fabs for 20 blocks. I even transferred all the pictures to fabric. I EVEN made a quick road trip to see my 'friend' to show her some of the pictures and mainly 'calm' her fears that the quilt wouldn't be ready in time (did I mention it's actually for her sister in Germany for a very special occasion? Thank goodness neither she or her sister are quilters and will not be reading this blog...I hope..).

Back again at the's shortly after noon and I felt the day MUST be over (you feel that way when you're not used to getting up at O'Dark 30)...but I was happy...friend loved the pictures...loved the layout and I decided gee...maybe I could start a block...I'd feel so much better. So I did. In fact....I finished 8 out of 20! I wish I could show them to you....but since they are not technically 'mine'...I'll have to wait until after the big 'reveal' later in June. What I CAN share...the whole reason I even thought to post today...are the fabrics. They are SO NOT ME. I'm a brights gal, batiks baby, black and white woman...wilder the better! Yet...I am IN LOVE with this quilt so far. Of course they are wonderful fabrics...I ordered them for our shop after all....but when my friend put this little assortment together...I thought to myself....."hmmmm, not my quilt....if that's what she wants.....gosh I hope it works....really glad it's not my quilt" (so glad she can't read thought bubbles). 

Such a mixed bag of styles...a very 'modern' dot from "Groovin' by Northcott ...Jo Morton reproductions...a wonderful traditional viney green from ....ah...well that's embarrassing...I can't remember.  The border fabric is a splendid uneven stripe in tans...golds and green...I know sounds "?" but it really rocks with the prints you see here. After the first block finished I HAD to make more....the more I made...the calmer I got...ANYTHING to keep the "Crazies" away. I'll let myself play for one more day and's back to the "List". But for now....I think I'll go play 'find the cat'.....Jaxson? Here kitty-kitty......mama's got some catnip......

Lynn ~ The Thimblemouse >"<

Monday, May 7, 2012

Piece-full Sunday

Today I spent the most "piece-full" afternoon with my best friend. He also happens to be "the spouse" in my land of blog. And yes ~ you're right if you're thinking we work together EVERY day ~ what made today any different? I don't know ~ except it was such a "girl" thing to do ~ a quilting afternoon with your best friend ~ you understand don't you? (and NO Bob...I am not calling you a Girl! :)
We work side by side 5-6 days a week at our precious quilt shop ~ and you would think we would spend our "off" day someplace different ~ like...oh I don't know...maybe the movies? the beach? the grocery store? But nope ~ my honey and I enjoyed a few hours alone in the shop so that he could longarm a quilt I made for my Mom for Mother's Day. What a guy! The BEST Son-in-Law ever! 

I can't wait to share my Mom's quilt with you ~ but it's a surprise after will just have to wait (not that my Mom would ever see it 92+3/4s she smiles when I speak of  computers and how I can 'chat' or share pictures with friends all over the world....secretly I'm sure she thinks her daughter has gone a bit 'daft' ).

Meanwhile as Bob stitched away ~ I caught up with my color challenge. This week was BRIGHT YELLOW. Visit (the link is on the right) if you want to take a peek at what wonderful blocks have been made ~ maybe you'd like to play along too! It's so much fun!

I've also enjoyed making 'wonky stars' with each of the color challenges and had fallen a little behind ~ so I caught up on those too. I started to make single star blocks but then my friend "Marcia-Marcia" mentioned a wonderful layout she found at "Oh Fransson"  ~ Elizabeth Hartman's most awesome blog. I couldn't resist! Here's what I have so far ~ just remember they are NOT in their final resting place... I was just anxious to lay them out and see what I had...we all do that...right?  And now that I've shown you... I'm committed to finishing....eventually.

Well the clock is ticking ~ it's now Monday in Florida so time to say 'night-night'. I hope you had a piece-full Sunday too with your best friend.
Speaking of 'friends' ~ Miss "Paws" aka Mia actually left me alone long enough to finish a blog! Usually she's right here on my 'lap'top ~ or asleep beside me (she has a thing for my 'mouse') last night....

Have a GREAT WEEK everyone!
See you soon
Lynn ~ the Thimblemouse >"<