
Friday, September 28, 2012

Life Unexpected

I was finally getting into the blogging groove...quite happy to be sharing a little every couple of days. But sometimes the unexpected just happens no matter how well you plan. Wednesday night my sweet Mom was sent to the ER after routine lab tests came back with 'abnormal' results. She was 93 last's that for a Happy Birthday?

After 11hrs in the ER she was finally made a 'guest' of the hospital and continues to vacation in her private suite. She appears Perfectly Fine - so there is comfort in that. She's been on a clear liquid diet which just thrilled her to no end - NOT. But finally was upgraded to 'soft foods' earlier this evening - we celebrated with a Strawberry Milkshake and her favorite - 3 Muskateers candy bars! 
It looks like she'll be enjoying having to make the best of the accommodations a few more days, the doctors say she has 'slight pneumonia' but the antibiotics should bring that to a halt. Her spirits remain good but the dementia makes it hard for her to understand WHY she must take this little vacay. All will work out - meanwhile looks like I'm taking a little blogging vacay too. 

Hope to be back soon.
Lynn ~ The Thimblemouse >"<

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Tons of Fun

I promised to show some pictures from this past weekends quilt show and I know you were expecting to see loads of quilts from the show. There were over 400! Well guess who was too busy working their booth? The only quilts I saw were the ones I passed by on the way to the Ladies Room. I tried to take a different aisle every time...but seriously, by the time nature called and I could make my escape...the last thing on my mind was a camera! 

Instead I'll show you our booth at the end of Set Up Day on Wednesday.  Wow, hard to believe that was one week ago! 
I also need to catch up on my "Needle and Thread" accomplishments from last week so here's a good time to combine the two.
I know when Bonnie Hunter challenged us to get in at least one hour a day with needle and thread, she was thinking more along the lines of handquilting a quilt...or some applique, some handpiecing...maybe some binding.  I was thinking the same thing too...but when you're getting ready for a quilt show, other handwork takes priority. Here are some pictures of our booth. Look for the little yellow stars - they mark my "needle and thread time" from last week.
This is a view on the aisle outside our booth. The binding on my little "Tool Time" quilt was finished the week before (forgot about that - guess I can't count it for this go round). Sometimes quilting isn't an option when the fabric arrives just before the I rolled over edges and handbasted them for a nicer finish when displayed - one little Loralie "Cool Cats" panel (upper left)...and the quickie circus quilt I pieced (which wasn't so 'quickie' until I figured out my own version of their suggested pattern) from Michael Miller fabrics.
When you come into the booth from the aisle...this is the other side of the first picture you saw. A couple more panels with handbasted edges....and yet another circus quilt pieced right before the show by my most awesome friend Sandie (who also spent loads of time cutting fat quarters, even taking them home to fold and bundle).
Continuing around there is a little lap top (the quilt, not the computer) with handbasted edges put together by our friend Doris (who is also quite awesome too! In fact she made that wonderful crazy batik quilt on the back wall from Karla Alexanders' book "Dynamic Quilts with Easy Curves" - which was probably the only quilt in her book with NO  The yellow star on the right marks 3 more panels with handbasted edges. There's also a great Snowman Door hanging put together by our sew sweet friend Diane  and our dear friend (also our kids 'nanny') Ann, finished the edges on that I can't take credit for her hours (she also cut and packaged table runners, cut fats and made that's a nanny!)
"Natures Holiday" panel is the star on the left...and on the right marks my Good Vibrations musical quilt. The other pieces you see were actually quilted...a couple by my friend Ronda...and some really GREAT quilts by good friend Sunnie Malesky. We were thrilled to have Sunnie's quilts and her patterns in our booth for the show...I only wish I'd thought to take pictures of them. You can check them out by visiting her here at her website. (I just noticed Sunnie has a NEW website and she's posted a bit about the  really must go and take a look - you'll see even more of our booth..that's a wonderful surprise!)

I even managed to make new table covers....but remember those pincushions? Well....surprise, surprise....they are still a work in progress. I've stitched a couple more and like the rest, they are in the beginning stage. 
Hint: If you want to get your cat out of hiding...just set up a little something you want to take a picture of....put it at kitty cat level - point the camera and click....
Voila! Instant Cat!

About the title...our booth here is 3 - 10'x10' spaces. We fill it up! I did a little 'guess-timation' just about the fabric bolts - about 1200lbs worth to start - which we moved out of the shop...into the show (there's a ton right there) ...sold a LOT...but still moved a lot back into the trailer.....back into the shop (I'm sure another ton even tho we sold loads). Not including all the other goodies like fat quarters and bundles and books and racks and tables....Yikes! I think we had more than a ton of fun!

Before I go...I must give a shout out of THANKS to all of our friends who helped us prepare for this show! Everyone pitched in with their hearts and hands...and besides the ones I've already mentioned...Hugs go to Marcia for the hours she spent cutting fat quarters, preparing pillow case kits and much more than I can even remember. Hugs to our "Movers" Gail and Sandie and her DH Ralph who saved us (and Bob's back) in our time of need. Gail and Sandie also helped us in the really does take a village! 
We are blessed!

Lynn ~ The Thimblemouse >"<

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Why I Quilt....

We survived the quilt show. It was great...we had fun...glad it's done! The "Spouse" and I are trying to get our energy back...trying to get our brains functioning again...trying to put our shop back in order...and I so want to share a bit of the show with you  ~ but honestly, I think I left all my brain cells at the convention center.  Sometimes when exhaustion hits...I wonder why we do this...why we even quilt. And then a moment in time happens, like today. 

THIS is why I quilt....
Look at that face! Is she a sweetie or what!?!
I look at this picture and know where the saying "snug as a bug in a rug" comes from. LOL
Today when I was feeling so tired and worn out ~ my friend shared her pictures and told me such a sweet story. This is our little friend "Cora" waiting for tonsil surgery. Her mom let her choose whatever 'blankie' she wanted to bring to the hospital. Cora chose the 'big girl' quilt we made her sometime ago. 
At the hospital they put special 'stickers' on all Cora's personal items. She was very specific that a sticker be stuck to her quilt. That just makes me smile.
Cora was allowed to keep her quilt with her through the surgery. I'm glad it brought her comfort.
Tonsils are gone! She's doing great.
This is why I quilt.

Lynn ~ The Thimblemouse >"<

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Ready for the Show...well almost

I'm working on 2-1/2 hrs of sleep since yesterday morning...but YEY....our booth is set up for the Jacksonville (FL) QuiltFest. Just a few little things to tweek when we return in the morning before the show opens at we are, the "Mouse and the Spouse" - amazing we're still smiling after 7hrs of set up. 

More pictures in a few days.
Lynn ~ The Thimblemouse >"<

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Do You EQ? This Could Be Fun!

I know I said I wouldn't be back again til maybe later this week, but I read a post on Mark Lipinski's Fan Page (FB) and he mentioned this fun little Sew Along that EQ is starting Oct. 1st. Click on their link on the right of this page for more information. They will be using BlockBase. If you don't have that - you might get lucky and be a winner - they are Giving Away 5 copies of BlockBase sure to visit them and sign up on their contest page by 9am EST Wednesday, Sept. 19th

We DID go to the Jaguars game today....I DID bring my needle and thread....I did NOT stitch one single quilt top edge...(boo hoo)
but I DID spend almost 3 hours with needle and thread....
Here are the 'beginnings' of a couple pincushions. I would have had a 3rd one...but halfway thru the rained and I couldn't stitch 'inside' my poncho ~ I tried! LOL 
All in all I think I logged in close to 6 hours of handwork this week....getting closer to the magic number "7"

Lynn ~ The Thimblemouse >"<

A Little This...A Little That...

Just a few more days til the big quilt show and I'm in official Crazy mode. You won't see me here again until after the show...unless I pop in to show you some pictures from the show (which I probably will since some of you were sweet to ask for a few show 'peeks').

Every year when this show rolls around I promise that NEXT year I'll be better prepared....I know...silly girl...but I can dream....

We do have a lot of things ready but you never know when Mr.UPS is going to deliver unexpected fabric (well, it's not unexpected, after all we ordered it, however delivery dates written, aren't written in stone). For instance, this really cute fabric from Michael Miller arrived this week.
 Naturally I want a sample.
My friend Sandie offered volunteered said YES when I asked her just yesterday if she could make up a quickie quilt. I began to cut her a kit and realized one very important fabric was missing from the order. The  free pattern download from MM only called for 1/6th of a yard...surely I could substitute something else....I looked...I hunted...I tried this and that....Surely I could NOT!
It was a crucial fabric for their border design and I played with ideas for hours...getting my little mouse tail in a tizzy with every passing minute. This was supposed to be easy. This was supposed to be FUN!  
I went to sleep and at 5AM this morning ~ I woke up with an
....raced to my graph paper (I love my "ElectricQuilt" program but sometimes paper and pencil and eraser are just what you need) ~ this afternoon at the shop my loving Spouse took over shop duty so I could cut and sew...
Top Done! Ta-Da!

There's also a cute elephant panel in the line with an equally cute pattern you can download for free from MM
- and because I do not want to disappoint Sandie, I've cut her the kit so she can have "Fun at the Circus" (did you hear that Sandie? Oh and Sandie...I've appliqued the stars for you! LOL).

I had planned to sew tonight but truly I'm one tired little mouse. I did put together some 'handwork' for Sunday's first season home game with my guys, the Jacksonville Jaguars. The Spouse and I will tailgate with friends (quilters too! Imagine that). While we visit before the game, I have a few quilt tops to handbaste the edges under ~ no time to get these quilted by Wednesday and don't want my edges to fray ~ plus they look nicer displayed with a kinda-sorta-finished-edge.
And call me crazy, but that little bag you see right in the middle on the bottom? That's my handwork for INSIDE the stadium while we sit and watch the game. This will be a first. I wonder if anyone will notice? I must remember to take a picture of that!  (if you follow Bonnie Hunters blog - you know we have a 'needle & thread' challenge this month...wowee...I should get 3hrs of needle & thread time least...maybe we'll tie and go into 'overtime' and there will be more! And won't Bonnie be impressed when I post a picture of 'where' I did my stitching this week? haha).
It's after midnight and I guess it's time to say goodnight. If I stay up much longer, I could get a second wind and decide to sew...which means during tailgating time I'd be taking a nap...and I think the Spouse would frown upon that. 
But before I go...just a couple reminders...there is still a little time left to enter Sewhooked's  Tabby Face Block Lotto ~ maybe you'll win the blocks (or maybe I'll win yours) .... and don't forget to mark your calendar for the Halloween Blog Hop hosted by Whims and Fancies 
....and last but No Way Least...
Maggie asked me to pass a little message on to you about a very worthwhile and FUN post she read on my blog list this week (ok, ok...I read the story to her...but only because if I let her use my computer, she'd be playing Petville on FB all day..woof woof)...anyways...if you're an animal person... Maggie's asking you to donate some time and your "paws" for this very worthwhile cause ~

Pet Lovers Unite! Big Animal-loving Announcement for International Quilt Festival/Houston!.. read all about it on Pokey's Ponderings. 

OK..yikes...wouldya look at the time ( it's almost 1:30am ...gee...I'm awake...I could sew a few hours before we leave for the game....Just Kidding...) I will get some sleep because it's embarrassing falling asleep in a crowd of 50,000+...ya wouldn't think that could happen....with all that noise....but it can ...ask me how I know!
Lynn >"<
P.S. If you're confused about when I wrote this post...I actually started it on Saturday night...but oh my - it's now 2AM Sunday morning...eegads! Lights OUT!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Good Vibrations

The clock is week from today we'll be setting up our booth at the Jacksonville QuiltFest. We're in the 'crazies' mode right about now - writing our lists, and checking them twice...trying to pack goodies, that quilters will think nice. Cutting and folding fat quarters galore...rolling up bundles...did Mr.UPS just bring in MORE? 
I should be happy with the samples I have already made. I wanted to spend this week working on new table covers...(I plan every year to make new ones...they haven't happened yet!). Instead new fabrics come thru the door suddenly they are all I can think about. I must make a new quilt!
"Good Vibrations" from Windham Fabrics just arrived at the shop less than a week ago. Black, Reds & Whites with a musical theme...they've been on my mind. Our friend Ann has been helping us in our hours of need...she put together bundles of 7 fats. I challenged myself to make up a lap quilt using the bundle. Yesterday afternoon I cut out a little kit for my 'homework' last night. Using all 7 fat quarters and 1/2 yd of the little music notes from Timeless Treasures  I finished the top today.
Of course I added more fabrics for borders...but the center is pieced just using the fats and the 1/2yd of notes. I'm if I could only get inspired to make those new table covers!
Lynn ~ The Thimblemouse >"<

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

With Needle and Thread ~ Update

One week ago Monday, Quiltville's Bonnie Hunter challenged us to log in one hour a day of  "needle & thread" time
 - whether it be handquilting, handpiecing, get the idea...anything done with just needle & thread.
I took the challenge and posted a pic of my UFO "hand work" project box here. I had such "high hopes.... she had high hopes ....she had high apple pie in the skyyyy hopes
(yikes - now THAT tune will be in my head for awhile).

Well....I did get a few hours in. Actually 5hrs + 10 minutes in.
Finished the binding on my Mom's little wall hanging...yey!
I love mini quilts - they're so easy to 'hang' when you add in little corner "pockets" as you attach your binding.

But those pincushions? *sigh* Those pincushions....still don't look like pincushions...
And only got to "3" of them (still haven't counted how many I have cut out...I don't think I wanna know).
On the bright sweet hubby (aka The Spouse)...snuck this quick little quilt on his longarm for me...
I attached the binding when it was quilted and with "needle & thread" I finished the binding while watching the Jaguars play on Sunday afternoon. Sometimes a simple little panel just needs to be quilted and bound...this one is called "Tool Time" from Northcott Fabrics.
Of course the quilt was NOT in my little project box last week...but I'm still counting it! And there is another little 'panel' wall hanging I've been finishing the binding on...that will count towards my 7 hours THIS week. [Hmmm....wonder if I still 'owe' 1hr and 50 minutes from LAST week? At this rate, by Christmas I will owe more than I've stitched - LOL]

All in all....I AM really enjoying keeping track of my handwork's made me do a 'few more stitches' some nights when I would have normally done something not as gone to sleep.
 With our big quilt show in just 10 days....I think I better make up that "lost" time from last week....besides, sleep is soooooo overrated (unless you're a cat) ...and there are those 'pincushions' waiting on me....."high hopes"...lalalala

Happy Stitches!
Lynn ~ The Thimblemouse >"<

Sunday, September 9, 2012

A Wicked Little Peek...Eeeek!

Soma from "Whims And Fancies" is hosting a Halloween Blog Hop starting Oct.1st.
Every day for the month of October you'll be able to hop to a different blog on the list and grab a Halloween themed foundation pieced pattern designed JUST for this hop!  I hear there will be weekly prizes too! 
Can you say Trick or Treat? 
This will be my first time presenting my own free pattern for you to download and stitch. I thought this would be "wicked" easy - I design pp patterns for myself all the time. And I know how to make a PDF file. Then I realized I had not the first clue how to share the pattern with YOU.
Thanks to my awesome FB friend, author and fellow quilter... "Forest Jane"...that problem was solved when she shared her "PDF prepping and saving and posting" expertise with me! Thanks Jane!
I just finished my block last night and breathed a sigh of relief - my file worked - the size is right - it's really CUTE....alas I can't show it to you until my "day" which is Oct.23 (wow-that's my b'day as well...coincidence? I think not..haha)....BUT I can show you just a peek...
Here are my fabs and one little section of the pattern....did I mention it's CUTE? I can't wait to add some embellishments to the finished design. I think I'll turn my 10" block into a little wallhanging for my Mom.
I can't wait see what everyone else has designed.

Do you like to foundation piece? If you answer yes...then please leave a comment below and also include your 'guess' as to what you think my block will be. You can comment (just once please) until midnight Oct. 15th.  I'll let Mr.Random do his thing and pick one lucky winner on the 16th.  To that winner I will send a little packet of the fabrics I used  (same as the ones in the pic above) ~ just enough bits and pieces to make my 10" block...  (the pattern will not be included - the winner will have to print it out when it posts on the 23rd).'s time to feed our 'wicked' kids... 
(could that be a hint? maybe yes...maybe no)

Lynn ~ The Thimblemouse >"<

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Cat Lovers...Are You Feeling Lucky?

Jennifer at "Sewhooked" has posted a
for the month of September.
Being the cat person I am...I couldn't resist joining in the fun.
Here are my two 'entries'
One is "Marvin" - our big orange tabby....the other is "Jaxson" in honor of Jaxson DeVille 
(the BEST Mascot in the NFL - Go Jaguars! Sorry...sometimes I just get carried away during football season!)

You can enter up to 5 blocks for 5 'chances' to win ALL the blocks. I wish I had time to make 3 more...but alas my playtime is limited these days...must put MY sewing on hold until after the Jacksonville QuiltFest
If you enjoy foundation piecing hop on over to Sewhooked (you can click on the link on the right as well) - Jennifer's pattern is easy to download - stitch up a Tabby face or two (or 5) and enter the Lotto! One person will win them all...Good Luck!

Thanks for visiting...see you soon!
Lynn ~ The Thimblemouse >"<

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Back To School Blog Hop Party Winner

We hope you enjoyed the Back to School Blog Hop. Our give away is almost packed up and ready to be mailed to it's new home.

Let's see who Mr.Random will pick....and the winner is...a little drum roll please...

YEY #76 - Lisa Cox! An email has been sent to you soon as you send us your mailing address this happy fabric will be on it's way to you.
Again, thanks to Quilter's Fun for sponsoring this party and to all who visited. I hope you had lots of fun. Have you made your "Cord Keepers" yet?
Thanks to my friend Sandie who sent me this picture over the weekend. She and two friends sewed for One Hour....Look at all they made!
Way to go Sandie!!!
Meanwhile it's back to another work week full of fabric and thrills. We have a huge quilt show coming up soon so if you don't see me know where I'll be (most likely under a large pile of 'samples to make'). Maybe I'll pop back in later in the week with a progress report.
Thanks for stopping by...come back soon ya'll.
Lynn....The Thimblemouse >"<

Sunday, September 2, 2012

By Hand ~ With Needle & Thread ~ 7 Hour Challenge

Hi Friends!
Before I explain the 'title' of this post - just a reminder...the "Back To School Blog Hop Party" ends Monday night at the strike of Midnight (as in 'time' - not our cat). Did you have a chance to join the party? Did you leave a comment on the last post so your name could be in the drawing for my 'give-away' (shipped to a USA address only...this time)? If you answered yes...then a big THANK YOU! If HERE now before it's too late. The winner will be announced sometime on Tuesday Sept the 4th.

We're in the midst of getting ready for the annual Jacksonville QuiltFest (that's Florida baby) starting Sept 20-22. Back in May I put together a little project box to take on our road trip to Kansas City for Spring Quilt Market. Inside the box: LOTS of fabric squares to make flower petals for a cute little pincushion I designed (thinking I could make  hundreds lots at least a dozen for the quilt show).
Back in May it seemed like Oodles of time to easily finish everything in this box ~ but that picture you see above? With Mr.Marvin the "Overseer"? I JUST took the picture...obviously I didn't finish a thing! I don't think I even opened the box on our trip.

I'm a HUGE fan of "Quiltville's Bonnie Hunter" - I just adore her - she inspires me so. I don't know how one person can do SO MUCH...but she does! (and we are SO excited - she's coming to our shop in March of 2015 to teach a couple workshops and present a trunk show...I don't want time to fly...but I can't wait til she visits!)...but back to business here. If you follow Bonnie on her website/blog/fb...(there's always a shortcut to "Quiltville" on the right side of this page)'ll know she has decided to spend "one hour a day for seven days" (when she is at home) handquilting a quilt. She's invited all of us here to join IN and log in OUR 7 hours of 'handwork'.  So I'm doing IT! I 'pledge' to spend 1Hr Ea Day for the next week with my Needle & Thread (ok...Bonnie isn't making us "pledge"....I guess that's the former Girl Scout in me coming thru).  

This little quilt for my Mom just needs the binding stitched...
(if you look back thru my'll see this has been waiting far too long...LOL)

It will be fun to see how many flower petals I can put many Pincushions can I make? (I've really lost track of how many I even cut out!).

I'd show you the finished pincushion now (yes...there is ONE done..haha) but think I'll make you wait until next Monday...(is this what they mean by a 'teaser'?) 

If you have some 'hand work' to do....why not join us? In fact...if you leave a comment below...let's hear what hand stitching you'll tackle this week. You don't have to 'pledge'...unless you want to! LOL

Thanks for visiting ~ see you soon
Lynn ~ The Thimblemouse >"<