
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Feb NewFO - WHaT WaS I THiNkinG?

The last post was all about the 'finishes' of February.
Today...this is probably more of the "real Me"
I love that Barbara of Cat Patches has this wonderful
NewFO Challenge each month.
It's all about "starting"....
At least ONE NEW Project a month...
As in..."you must start...but you don't HAVE to finish!"
Yep...I really found my niche when I found Barbara!

We started the year, by making a list of things we would like to start each month.
Sorry, I can't help it, but I truly LOL every time I look at the list-
I haven't touched it! Not even close!

Earlier in Feb. I did get away for a few days for one of our local guilds annual retreat.
I was the only 'vendor' - the group was small and I just KNEW  I'd get some sewing time to myself when classes were going hot and heavy.

My friend Sandie gave me the PERFECT Traveling Project Bag a few years ago...
Lookie initials even (in Teal & Black cuz I'm a Jacksonville Jaguars Fan -That's a true friend).
I packed it up...
Yes, the "View" inside the bag - oh exotic box "Sacs de rangement" - I forgot those were there..haha...another giftee from Sandie - more 'project' bags that I would could fill.

So here's what I packed..... remember...I was only going to be away for 2 days and 2 nights....and some of that time I was sure to be supposed to spend 'working' in 'selling our wares'. But hey...I just knew there would be plenty of 'free' time to sew....
In my mind (where I sometimes exist in a pure fantasy world)
...these were the projects I was going work on...
"The Learning Curve" ruler by Linda Warren...and her great looking pattern "Dotty" - I picked this ruler up from Linda at spring quilt market last year and I've been wanting to play with it for...well...for a year now...

Next a couple designs from JayBird Quilts using her oh so awesome "Hex N More" ruler....
Surely I would find some time to 'hex' around.....

Then for some pure simple "In the Dog House" fabric had JUST come in the day before I was I downloaded the free pattern from the Benartex site and quickly made myself a kit....
Isn't that just the cutest? Woof Woof

Red Roosters "Mango Tango" just sent me over the edge...I'm such a Red, White & Black kinda gal....
Wow...I even had a few pcs already sewn and cut...SURELY  I could whip this together in all that free time I was going to have ...
And when all the above projects were finished....
(remember...2 days...2 nights - welcome to my mind, aka the land of "make believe")
...I might just tackle this great Moda kit
(which now that I think about it - I believe THIS was on my original list - yes! I just was #4! 
Well yey me!)

What did I get done started touch take out of the bag to work on?

Not a Blessed Thing!

I suppose this doesn't technically qualify for a real 
NewFO entry....
But surely it should count...I got everything 'kitted up'...that's a start...Right?
Thankfully, the weekend was a HUGE success in our vendor booth.
The gals attending kept me SO busy, cutting and selling and making change,
in the moments it was quiet enough to actually sew...
I was just too dang tired.
I did set up my machine...I even threaded it...and turned it on...just so I could say I did.
But the only bit of sewing happened late on the last night in our hotel room - sitting and laughing with my friends...I finished the binding on a little wallhanging for Mom....
....I've shown this before, in fact I think it was on last months NewFO post...
but then it was only started...
this month it's finished...darn
I think that's a whole other 'challenge'
...well pooh!

Lynn ~ The Thimblemouse >"<
PS...Don't forget to hop over to Barbara's Cat Patches and take a look at the linky party to see what everyone else has been up to.
And one last thing...
Oh my, I was holding on to this picture so I could show it with this post and I almost forgot to show you... 
I won the drawing for last months NewFO post...isn't it darling????
Thank you Barbara!


  1. It is good to always have project bag, You never know when you can get in a few minutes of sewing. Love your ideas.

  2. Why do we always overestimate our time???? I'd keep my bag loaded for the next trip ;-)

  3. Kitted up definitely counts. I'm so glad you like the snowman. Thanks for linking up this month. And I love your falling hearts.

  4. I so busy Blog Hopping, it is a wonder I get anthing done. I have the Learning Curve Ruler and still have not used it and I have had mines for 3 years.

  5. I love you falling hearts too! I did get a project started and only wish I had another one kitted up. I need 20 more blocks for my Sister's Choice quilt, so I might do that for March!

  6. Why is there always more room in our minds than actual hours in the day?? At least you're nicely prepared for next month, & what fun it looks like you're going to have!


I just love to hear from you and I truly do read every comment. Sometimes life gets a wee bit crazy and I'm not always able to reply to them all...but I'll keep trying! If you are Anonymous or a no-reply blogger, leave your email with your comment, otherwise there's no way I can reply to you - and maybe you're okay with that - but if there's a give-away and you'll never know!