
Saturday, March 2, 2013

We Have A Winner!

Has this been a week! 
I really do feel like I've got a cat on my head...
and that's on one of the better days!
Our little red PT Cruiser left the Spouse stranded last Saturday when he was simply trying to do me a favor by running to the Post Office to mail out some quilt blocks. 
Ok, he drove...perhaps he should have run. 
He mailed the mail...and then the car said 
"nope, not starting". 
I was teaching a class - thankfully one of the quilters went to Bob's rescue. 
Back at the shop, he arranged towing for the Cruiser...luckily our repair people have their place near our shop. 
We feared it was the 'clutch'...happy when they said a "less costly switch"
....cringed when it turned into "something else"
...happy again..."just the ignition switch"
...then just down right boo-hooed 
when even the manager was surprised to find out that the ignition switch could NOT JUST be changed...of course, that would have been way too easy...the whole dang "steering column had to be replaced." 


So many friends offered rides, their cars...wasn't that sweet? Thankfully we have an 'aged' Ranger we were set, right? 
In accordance to Murphy's Law...the battery on the truck just flat out died, Monday morning. Thank goodness for our 'work at home' neighbor who gave us a 'jump' (after it was determined our battery charger had also met it's demise...
2 hours later...LOL). 

And if that wasn't enough fun and giggles...I spent the rest of the week working on taxes...
I just LOVE the paperwork...NOT...
I'd rather strip naked and run down the street! Oh yeh, almost forgot...the KiDees are annoyed with me for not having posted their special blog that I promised...Mr.Marvin let me know just how he felt...let's just say he played a little game of  'Tag'...and now I need a new wallet. Eeeewwwww. 
Plus I haven't sewn all week and I'm a little cranky...could ya tell?

Alls well that ends well, or so they say...after 6 days we finally got our PT back on Friday...I'm on the downhill with the paperwork...should be finished with another couple hours of concentration. In between customers today I plan to sew...a little quilted wallet...of course, after car repairs...except for my's gonna be pretty
But now for some GOOD news...Mr.Random got busy and picked a WINNER for the
"Prize that will be a Surprise" - for the "It's All About Me" Blog Hop.
Let's see who he picked....
YEY! #77! So back to the magic of cut n paste...we find that #77 is none other than.....
All Right! A Happy Follower - Congrats to Pat of Scrapatches!!!! 

So what did Pat win?
I'm so glad you asked. I really had planned to 'make' something....then the week "happened" - you can sewing got done..
Even better...our re-order of wonderful, fabulous, simply Cat-TASTIC fabric by Laurel Burch arrived just a couple days ago...and considering all our KiDee's....I thought this would be most appropriate...
Pat has won....
This wonderful Laurel Burch Panel....
some great coordinating fats....quarters that is...
A couple of weekends ago we sold out in just one day of the all over cat fab you see above - even I didn't get an inch! Thrilled to get it back in the shop! The black fab (center) with the big's a really FAT fat quarter because I couldn't bear to cut thru those precious faces....
Lookie look...don't you think that looks like Maggie?
The fabric with the's really more PINK...not sure why it looks purple here...but I love that it said "A Thankful Giving Heart"....which is exactly how I felt when I read ALL the comments on MY day of the Blog Hop. all were so sweet and so kind and just plain wonderful! One of these days, I'm going to get around to answering ya'll back...but know that I read every word...and 
I Thank You One And All
including our Cheeriest Cheerleaders
one awesome Design Diva!

It  was a Fabulous "It's All About Me" Blog Hop!

Lynn ~ The Thimblemouse >"<


  1. Oh, My Lucky Cats! I am so surprised and happy! My quilty kitties are going to love this, too. Thanks, Lynn, your email in my inbox has made my day!!!!! What the purrrfect way to end this wonderful blog hop ... squishies in the mail!

    I am so sorry to read about all your car troubles and am glad to see you have your PT back and your Ranger all sparky again. Taxes ... argh ... hope your paperwork is all done soon and your can enjoy some happy sewing time.

    I cannot thank you enough for your generosity. May it return to you tenfold ... :) Pat

  2. Wow what a week you have had. You need to have a vacation to unwind after all of that. Congratualtions to the winner. What a magnificent prize package.


I just love to hear from you and I truly do read every comment. Sometimes life gets a wee bit crazy and I'm not always able to reply to them all...but I'll keep trying! If you are Anonymous or a no-reply blogger, leave your email with your comment, otherwise there's no way I can reply to you - and maybe you're okay with that - but if there's a give-away and you'll never know!