
Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Day 3 of What is your SUPERPOWER - My Turn....

Welcome to Day 3
If you have been following this 'stitching hop' then you know what's about to happen.

I'm about to reveal MY Superpower....
or at the very least...
what I THINK my Superpower  to be!

I will confess (and I know I'm not alone)....
this has been the one of the hardest, most frustrating,
most thought provoking themes
I've encountered to date.

Every time I was sure I had the perfect "power".....
I would ponder it for a couple days...
then toss it out the window.

I even went so far as to ask my Facebook friends
what they thought  my Superpower should be.
Their generous and oh so kind answers just
floored me....
Yikes....they made me blush!

But with their help I thought  I'd nailed it.....
and then a new  worry took hold....

Should I be:



Seriously Witty?


In the end....I came up with a whole other idea...
and it stuck!

I think it's....

a little

a little

but really and truly...

I think it's...
(a little)

Because you see....

First some serious....

Really and truly...
this was me a few years ago....

(taking a really HUGE breath...holding it....
Maybe I'll close my eyes while you look....
denial is bliss sometimes....
I've never shown this picture before....)

I've NEVER been a little girl....
even when I WAS a little girl....

Less than two months after the above picture was taken....
I made up my mind....
There was really truly TOO MUCH of me!

Time for a lifestyle change!
Back "on program" I went...and dear Spouse along with me!
(I'm a "Lifer"...yes...somewhere buried is my "Lifetime Key"
that thing was HUGE! You wouldn't think I could lose it)

Nine months later....
40 lbs lighter.....
(and baby involved...LOL)

Getting there......
Slowly but surely....
I was determined...
I had the POWER afterall!

Now it's 2014...
Here's my favorite pic from Valentines Day....

First time in a dress since...well...I can't remember when!

To quote a very wise Madame....
"....everything is possible"

Yes sirree boys and girls....
I've got the POWER!

And I even have this.....

That's right....
It's an official employee Name Tag!

Not to worry....
I'm still a Quilter & Shopkeep...first and foremost....
but now and then I'm a
WW Receptionist.
And someday I hope to become a WW Leader!

It's still one day at a time....
this isn't my first rodeo....

But for now....

My little mouse feet do their
Happy Dance
all the way to the scale....

Super Thanks to:
Her Cheerleading Queenly Superpowers really kept me going!
Madame Samm....She is truly the Superpower here!

Three Cheers for DMC our sponsor!

What other Superpowers will you encounter today?
Click the links below...
You have the Power!

                                             -Mdm Samm

PS....I hope you'll join me for "Skinny Sunday"...which happens...
well....on Sundays.
I'll be blogging about my favorite recipes...foodie WW journey....
I keep it simple, short and sweet!
(at least I try...LOL)
I'm not selling... not being paid to promote any product or plan....
just sharing some of what worked and works for me!


  1. Thank goodness I wasn't the only one with picking my "superpower" - I sympathize!!
    I loved reading you post! Amazing! You are that! :)
    And creative! And talented! And again .. amazing! :)

  2. You are a delightful doubt another superpower of look fabulous. Congrats on being a WW with such finesse and wit..

  3. Love your Superpower hanging, and thank you for sharing your wonderful story! I hope you don't mind my sending it to a friend who is a WW and stuck at the moment. Congratulations again, you look fabulous.

  4. Your Superpower mug rug/wall hanging is just fabulous! Thanks for your inspiration.

  5. Wow! Congrats on your weight loss and lifestyle changes!!!! You look terrific -- and I think you looked great in the first pic too. I love the project you chose to make for this blog hop. Is that from a pattern or your own design? It is a great motivator to stick with your weight loss goals.

  6. You look SUPER! - what a wonderful inspiration - see even tho' I look a fat little sheep really I am skinny with a lotta wool! - well, that's what I keep telling Miss H. But you truly look fab!!!

  7. You are amazing. Keep at this fabulous superpower. You should be do proud. You are absolutely gorgeous!!!

  8. Congratulations Lynn. What a great story and superpower. You can be very proud.

  9. Congratulations Lynn. You look stunning in your dress. Very modern and chic. I too have lost 46 pounds and everyone says I look younger. Definetly a mind set.

  10. Totally loving your little mouse feet! Awesome story, so very happy for you. Such a lovely mouse are you...mind, body, and spirit!

  11. Great SUPERPOWER!! I am a lifetime WW member who has lost the same 20 lbs way more times then I would like to remember!! Congratulations on your success you look wonderful!!

  12. Congrats on the success of all your hard work! Your project is a wonderful tribute to your perseverance!

  13. I am happy for your success! I think your project is as cute as can be. You have a right to be proud of yourself for so many reasons.

  14. Good for you!!!! I love your little project too.

  15. Great post!!! fantastic have done so well. Love your project too!!!!!

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Fun project! And good for you! You look great!!

  18. You go girl. You look fabulous!

  19. Congratulations! You really do have superpowers to stick with a weight loss program over such a long period. well done.

  20. You are beautiful. and congratulations on your weight loss! I am on that journey now and am doing good. Our weight watcher group here is non too friendly so I do not go... I am doing this on my own.... I will come and visit you on Sundays.

    Love your mini quilt !

  21. Lynn I am truly inspired! I am on Weight Watchers for the umpteenth time and really struggling. I find that at my age it is much slower than it used to be so seeing others, even though you are younger, is a blessing to me. I love your little quilt and I love your story! blessings, marlene

  22. Lynn, you look beautiful in all those photos, but you have certainly inspired us all to be the very best we can be! Your little wall hanging is an adorable reminder of how far you've come!

  23. Love the grey toes and tail you added to this, fun whimsy :) Congrats on keeping to your goals!

  24. Wow! Way to go! You look amazing! Love your mini quilt!

  25. You look absolutely Beautiful!!!!! So Proud of you! First time visiting your blog :) and I love it! I'll be back:) Loved your story. Thanks for sharing. Janita

  26. Lynn you're so inspiring! I understand about the exercise thing (your previous post) and have been pushing myself to join my dad daily at his work where they have an exercise room, and I'm seeing progress! I like your rake by the way... lol :) Are you going to share your superpower quilt at the WW office? That seems like a great motivational wall hanging to have there. Thank you for sharing!

  27. Oh so cute and a great superpower! Congrats on losing the weight and creating such a sweet little mini quilt/mug rug.

  28. Your wall hanging is ADORABLE! Love the colors and stitching. I need something like this on my refrigerator. Thank you for your inspiring story -- you give me hope!

  29. Awesome inspiration! Thank you! I think that saying is my WW password :). I was a receptionist once a looong time ago. Your little quilt is fantastic! Congrats.

  30. Great Superpower, I wish you could beam some of that power to me. Beautiful mug rug. I need to make that into a lunch box. I take me lunch most days to work. Keep up the good work on WW.

  31. are sEw inspiring, congratulations on your weight loss and your motovational wall hanging.. What an super 'superpower' you have!! Luv, luv luv your wall hanging with your 'wee' mouse feet. I would be doing the happy dance too!! An inspiring blog post and project...job well done!! Thanks for the inspiration!! Happy stitching, Pauline

  32. Well, you go girl! What a fabulous super power...will power! Love your quiltie too. It's a great reminder of where you are and where you were! Congrats!

  33. Lynn, I really envy you, loosing soooo many pounds with the superpower-will!!! I never tried WW until now, I was doing fine with low carb until my 3rd pregnancy, and now? NADA, nothing, not a single gramm less, it is crazy, I don't know what to do. Perhaps kissing more snails will be the solution, or try once WW, although I am not a fan of the "group feeling", if you understand what you mean....
    I love you stitching, and yes, you did it!!!!

  34. Congratulations on the "new YOU!" While I've never been overweight, there have been times in my life that when I looked in the mirror and saw my backside, and it was not what I expected. So I took it upon myself to change my habits(eating) and lost 5-10 pounds. It's not easy, and for some people its easier than others. It's still not fun, sacrificing things you enjoy. My husband is not happy with my (skinny) look, but I think it's because he's jealous and doesn't want to do what is necessary to lose his rubber tire. Love your little WW quilt. Keep up the good work. It's worth it in the long run and thanks for sharing.

  35. Very Inspiring!!!! Makes me want to try WW!!!
    Not to mention some of the cutest stitching so far...those little mouse toes... awwwhhhh!
    GREAT SUPERPOWER !!!! Good for you!!!

  36. Wow! That is great! You look great!! I know you feel proud, cause I sure would if I were you. I need to get the will power and loose too. I love your scale, that is so creative. So what is your secret???

  37. What an inspiring and cute post!! Kudos to you for losing the weight in a healthy way! And for creating such a Super- cute and clever and fun project!
    I just love that little scale with the phrase in place of the numbers!!

  38. You and your hubby look terrific, Lynn! Good for you to make this change in life style and stick with it. Your choice of superpower seems to be tailored just for you and where you find yourself, at this point in time. Too cute that a thimblemouse is standing on the scale!

  39. Good for you. Yes, that's superpower. Weight Watchers is the only way. Good eating and good support.

  40. That's amazing - well done and thanks for hopping!

  41. LOVE IT!!! Of course you are my quilting, blogging AND WW hero! It's all the little details that make it all so adorable. Thanks for making it and inspiring me to get back on the wagon.

  42. Now that is a SUPERPOWER. Great job on everything. Love it.

  43. Congratulations Lynn. I can honestly say you look younger and happier and uber chic in that black and white dress! I know being a WW as I am a lifer too! Fabulous SuperPower and one that serves your entire creative life. Thank you sew very much for Hopping...

  44. Congratulations on reaching Lifetime! You look fabulous in the black and white dress. LOVE your mug rug/wall hanging ... so creative. You should make a pattern for it. I'd love to make one for myself, but with human feet and no tail. LOL

  45. Whooo Hooo! That is truly a SUPERPOWER. I deal with the weight thing every day. I'm not a life timer but I know what it takes to get there and stay. The stitching is a SUPERPOWER too. It's just too cute!

  46. Congratulations little lady! You did it! Love your little quilt. I will visit on Sundays now too!

  47. Great job and you look awesome! Love the dress too. Thanks for sharing.

  48. You look amazing! Great job! I love the dress too. Thank you for sharing!'xo jan

  49. You are amazing and look great. Your hubby looks great, too! The best part is what you have done for your health. I have lost over 50 pounds and I certainly didn't do it the smart way. I had a blood infection from having my teeth cleaned. I was so sick that I had no appetite. I started losing weight. My doctor had thought I couldn't lose weight because of all the medications I was taking. I was so sick I wasn't even taking all of them. So, that was the start. Then my husband had already had three strokes when we got married and he had improved. He started going downhill and I was worried sick about him. He got to the point he slept in his recliner. He wouldn't change clothes or bathe or up to 7 days at a time. He just sat in his chair and went to the computer room. There were other hygiene issues, too. Both of his feet were numb and his legs were numb up to up half up his calves. I could not get him to stop driving. I was sick with worry. I am disabled, too. I just could not take care of both of us and he wouldn't let me bring someone in to help with him. The doctor had me on strong pain meds for my stomach in addition to my already strong pain meds. So, I was losing weight and not eating. I had no appetite. Finally, with encouragement from lots of folks to take care of myself, I had to divorce him, even though I cared about him - maybe too much. Last July he was found dead in his apartment. The same day my daughter had a D&C to determinate an unsustainable pregnancy. The same day I had a second MRI to rule out that breast cancer was not back and in my brain. I was having double vision and had to have surgery on both eyes in November. So, with all that I had no desire to eat. So, I've lost over 50 pounds. I finally bought a new pair of jeans and it was the smallest size I have ever bought. I weigh less than when I was going through breast cancer. My doctor says as long as I stay hydrated, he's not concerned. He says I'll eat when I get hungry. I just need to stay hydrated. Two weeks ago he diagnosed me with diverticular disease. I'm doing well. I am going to GriefShare and finding that lots of this is normal. I'm starting to get an interest for doing some of my old things. Now you know why I don't participate in hops and try to encourage those who do. I don't want to be bitter. These are just minor bumps in the road. we all have to endure most of these things at some time. I am proud of you for doing it the right way. I hope you get to be a WW leader. I am anxious to see you blogs about how you do this. I am making more of an effort to eat more. You each should be proud of your superpowers. You are a great inspiration. You are inspiring me to really consider thinking about a lifestyle change. I'm happy where I am and would like to maintain. Thank you for having the courage to share your pictures with us. I hope you realize what a great inspiration you are.

  50. WOW! What a great inspiring post! After two kids in the last 7 years I have gained so much weight. Your project is lovely and very inspiring to me personally.
    I liked the way you put together your post. You looking amazing! Thanks for sharing!

  51. Congratulations! That is a terrific superpower. I know that I need that same 'frame of mind' that you found a few years ago. Love your little embroidery project with the fabulous motto "I can DO this!"

  52. How great!! I think I just read the kick start I need to get motivated again. I lost 25 pounds in 2009 with Weight Watchers and felt great. Well, I gained it all back...did not go back when I gained back 5# like they advised. I am going to follow look great!

  53. Yay You! How wonderful and what a super superpower project you made for yourself ...and thank you so much for sharing yourself with us on the blog hop ... seriously ... Yay You!!

  54. OH my goodness... you are so inspiring! And you look amazing in your Valentine's dress!
    And your quilt is perfect for the celebration!

  55. Sorry I some how missed this day, and what a Wonderful story! I need inspiration like this, you look fantastic, and love the dress you are wearing on Valentines Day and your mini quilt is too Cute!


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