
Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter Greetings on this Skinny Sunday

The Spouse and I wish all of you a very
Joyous Easter.

We will celebrate quietly...
remembering our Easter one year ago....
My precious we miss her...
What a difference a year makes.

My dear friend Sandie prepared such a beautiful basket of pink goodies
for Mom last Easter.

Sandie's just that kind of friend...
always thinking....always remembering...
always giving....
I am blessed with her friendship.

Sandie loves rabbits and in February I found a cute little bunny mug.

I thought it would be perfect when Easter hopped around...
amazingly I even remembered  where I put it away 'for safe keeping'...
I made a little 'rug' for the mug to sit upon....

included some special treats....

Moda "Candy" - better than jelly beans I think...
and a bag of her favorite...PB2.

Sandie loved it all!

What is PB2?
I'm so glad you asked...
because it's my Skinny Sunday share today.

Here it is in a jar. 
Does it look more familiar now?

If No is your answer...and if you love peanut butter...
then hold on to your spoon...
because I'm going to rock your world!
(ok...maybe a slight exaggeration...but it sure rocks mine!)

PB2-Ingredients: Roasted peanuts, sugar (1g*)  and salt (94g*)
(*serving size 2 T)
It is made by Bell Plantation.
(visit their website for recipes, shopping and all kinds of info about PB2
You can also find them on Facebook)

It is powdered....
2 Tablespoons of PB2 + 1 Tablespoon of water =

Even better...look at this info from the Bell Plantation website:
Bless my weight watchin' heart....
2 T of PB2  =  1pp!
Regular peanut butter : 2 T averages 5pp
That's a 4pp savings!!!!

(told ya it 'rocked' me)

Now I do have a wee sweet tooth...
(ok...we're friends here, right? Who am I's really BIG)

Mixed as is...PB2 reminds me a bit of old fashioned peanut butter
not super sweet....
I like it best doctored up....

Yes...I add a bit of cinnamon and brown sugar - GOOD!

About the water....just a word of

If you need more than 1 Tablespoon...
add it
I tell everyone it's kind of like a science experiment...
One T of water is pretty close
(depending on how much your 2 T's of PB2 'heapeth')
but I like my mixture to be a little smoother...
I usually add a little more water...
drop by drop...
stirring after each drop!
When you think it looks 'right'...
(one drop too many and you have an instant smoothie...
if that happens....
no worries...
just add a little more PB2)
One of my favorite snacks!
3 slices of this crisp n light Wasa is only 1pp (un-embellished)
and I can easily stretch the PB2 over all 3 for a great 2pp snack....
Just ONE slice comes up as "0" pp - load it up with all 2 T of the PB2
for a really super
1 pp Treat!

Also LOVE my PB2 thinned just a little...
perfect for dipping my Grannies into!

I first heard about PB2 on the
SNACK GIRL blog...
Lisa has some of the best snack ideas...
she was the very first blogger I ever followed and honestly, 
I really owe the loss of many pounds to her wonderful recipes and suggestions! 
She was KEY in opening my eyes and my mind 
to healthy ways of thinking about food!
You can find Snack Girl on Facebook too!

My first jar of PB2 was purchased at a local health food store
for $ mucho dinero $ - but one taste and I was hooked!
(truth: The Spouse was not convinced until the 2nd jar)

Since then...
I danced in the aisle when I found it at our Jacksonville Naval Commissary...
but really plan to place my next order direct with Bell Plantation
(since the Spouse and I are really PB2-addicts we buy in bulk!)

I've recently spied jars on the shelves of our local Wal-Mart!
I've heard it's at Target too....but I haven't seen it with my own peeps
(a little Easter Humor)

It also comes in Chocolate...
I honestly haven't tried that friend Deanna says it' wonderful!

I'm kind of a purist when it comes to my PB2...
if I want chocolate with my peanut butter...
in my mind, there is only one way to have it....
and because we are friends here....
I'll tell you a secret....
I'm having this ONE today....

shhhhh...don't tell Bob
I have two...and I really should share....
but's so itty bitty....
just perfect!
Only 2pp each.
They were part of our Easter surprise from Sandie this year....
Didn't I tell you she was great?

Have a Super Week Everyone!

PS...I'm not going to say this every time...but just so it's clear...
I am not being paid (drats!) to promote any one product, supplier or healthy eating program....
I am not an expert in weight loss (I wish)...
all that I share
comes from my own personal experience...
it's what works for me.
PLEASE feel free to share any of your own healthy food tips, 
recipes, ideas....
it's never a truly complete day unless I've learned something new from you!


  1. I really enjoyed todays post, as I usually do. I think I will try and find the PB2. I'm thankful for the Sandies in the world. Wish there were more in this world. Your gift to her was so cute. Between you and Sandie its made me want to to do more for my close friends and let them know I care. I guess I'm saying thank you for sharing you and your friends thoughtfulness.

  2. Thank you so much for mentioning Snack girl! Big hug to you.

  3. I love PB2 but I don't have any with me right now - we're at the mission where we volunteer for the next 5 weeks. So I'm on the hunt! I haven't tried the Wasa crisps either so they're on my list. I did find Flat Outs this weekend, which were recommended to me at the last WW meeting so I'm ready to try a pizza with those. :) blessings, marlene


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