
Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Sweet Magnolia...Our Cinderella Moment

I am dancing on air today.

Long timers here will remember the
Blog Hop last May.
I shared many flower themed designs...
but my focus was really our sweet Maggie's memory quilt.

Tho I finished all the applique
in time for the hop...
it hung in our shop as seen above
waiting for inspiration to finish.

Around the first of the year, I happened to be perusing my Facebook page
when Ricky Tims sent a post out asking if there were any quilters
who hade made a memory quilt of their pets.
He wanted to write an article for

 I sent Ricky a picture of our precious girls' quilt
(probably even the one you see above)
never imagining it would even be considered...
but happy just knowing for at least 5 seconds
he would be looking at our
"Magnolia Blossom"

Well guess what!?!?!

Ricky included Maggie's quilt in his article!
Our order just arrived at the shop today!

I've been sitting on this news since January 23rd.
That was the day Ricky emailed me to ask if he could
"borrow Magnolia Blossom" for the article.
It was also the one year anniversary of Maggie's passing.
I think not.

That was on a Thursday....
Ricky needed the quilt in LaVeta, CO
for a photography session by the following Wed.


One slight hitch....
the quilt was still not finished!

I messaged Ricky back to thank him...
and sheepishly asked....
"Do you remember that I said the quilt was not done?"

His reply:
"You can have until Friday to get it here"

Needless to say....everything I had on my "to do" list that day, 
and the next day
and the next.....
was pushed to the side.

Excitedly I worked....adding borders....doing ditch work....
then it went to Bob....
my longarm Hero....
he stippled the center...
then back to me and binding....and a label.

Try as I might (two cameras - aaack!)
 I could not get a clear shot of the label

Here is the design I worked up in Print Shop...
and then printed onto fabric....

I will always be grateful to Ricky for filling my mind and my time on that
January 23rd...instead of feeling the sadness of the date...
I was filled with such joy and anticipation and happy memories.

The quilt by the way...left Monday from Florida 
and arrived on time Wed to LaVeta....
which was pretty ironic since Ricky also happened to be on the
south west coast of our Sunshine State on Monday 
trying to go home when there was some pretty nasty weather....
his flight out was delayed...
and delayed...
and delayed some more.
He never made it back to Colorado until Friday....
Next time I suggested he "priority mail' himself home....LOL

I am so thankful to Ricky for choosing Maggies quilt...
He's made me feel like Cinderella!

And I also must give Madame Samm a big Huggy Hug....
without her inspiring blog hops...
this quilt would probably not have been made.

My only regret is that my two biggest fans are not here to help celebrate this happy day.

They would have been so proud...their little girl 'in print'. 
Then again....perhaps they already know....
perhaps Ricky only 'thinks' he made the choice.

One last thing before I go to gaze upon the
I mentioned a"Give-Away" did I not?
If you've made it this certainly deserve a chance to win a copy of
The Quilt Life.
I just happen to have "one" to send to one lucky someone.
(okay...we did go a little crazy and ordered beaucoup for the shop)

[the give-away is now closed]
So please if you will...leave a comment below for a chance to win.
I will send this anywhere....
That's what Maggie would have wanted....

Be sure you are NOT a 'no-reply' kinda peep...if you're not sure,
include your email address in the comment or else I won't be able to contact you when you win.
(if that should happen...I'll just have to pick another name).
Deadline to leave your comment is Wed. May 14th - 10pm EST.

Remember...Dreams DO come true....
I hope it happens to YOU!


  1. Lucky me!! I might be the first to comment! Awesome story... Got shivers!

  2. of course they know...they keep watch over you all the time
    this is a great thing for you lynn , congratulations
    and just think i can now say..."i knew here when..." hehehe xoxoxox

  3. Brought tears to my eyes, Luv!! BIG congrats to you and hubby!! I'm sure Maggie and your Two Biggest Fans are beaming with pride!! XO

  4. Beautiful Maggie looks like she may have been a Carolina Dag, a wonderful breed. She must have been a true asset to your shop. I know she smiles down on y'all. Your quilt is a touching memorial.

  5. Wow Lynn, can't wait to see your beautiful tribute to Maggie in print.

  6. That's so sweet. I'm all teary eyed too! Love my 4 legged babies! She was a beautiful girl! Can't wait to get my copy of the magazine!

  7. I miss sweet Mggie too. I have a pic of Seara in a princess dress holding Maggie. One of my favorites.

  8. What a sweet tribute to your special puppy!

  9. Your quilt is a lovely memorial to your beautiful Maggie.

    Thanks for the chance to win the magazine it is featured in.

  10. What a great Cinderella story. It's always so hard having to part with our fur babies but to have her memorialized in a quilt and then get world wide recognition is a beautiful thing. I'm sure your parents are so proud.

  11. What a moving story, and a moving quilt! I love your tribute to Maggie. Thanks for sharing it!

  12. Lynn, that is so awesome and what a tribute! Congrats for getting in the magazine. Isn't it awesome to see your name in print? <3
    Gina.reddin@Gmail. Com

  13. Awww. I know we will love the article just as you and Bob loved Maggie. Can't wait to visit the store and ready your magazine while I wait for May 14th so I can pick mine up.

  14. Lynn, I am so happy for you, but your talent deserves nothing less. You are the most creative spirit I know. You don't need to put me in the drawing, I can't wait that long to get the magazine :) I just wanted to send you and your birthday boy a big hug!

  15. I just love this post! I do remember the quilt from the blog hop and thought it was so cute. How wonderful to have Maggie's story in print and in the hearts of so many people. Congrats!

  16. How wonderful for you! That little memory quilt is just awesome and so deserving. Great post, and thanks so for sharing. Your posts and talents are certainly inspirational!

  17. Such an amazing story! Congrats to you!!!! -Brittany

  18. Tears flowing - thanks for sharing your wonderful story.

  19. Great to have your quilt in print. Congratulations.

  20. Wow Lynn congratulations for your quilt being in print! What a great quilt and memory it is too of your Maggie. Love the pic of her and Lamb Chop, lol!!! I'm sure Maggie and your parents are all doing the Happy Dance for you!!!

  21. Congratulations ! How fabulous to see your quilt in print!

  22. Congratulations. A wonderful testament to Maggie. She has such a sweet face.

  23. Lynn,
    Congratulations!!! This quilt is beautiful, and it's the first time I've seen it. I recently joined your blog from a Madam Samm blog hop. So exciting that you are in a magazine, and then to have it be Ricki Tims. congratulations again.
    Another Lyn.

  24. Congratulations , I do remember your great quilt from the blog hop , how very special it was chosen for the magazine by Ricky Timms , thrilling !

  25. How exciting for you. Congrat's on a job well done. I loved the label too.

    Thanks for a chance at the magazine

  26. So very special...congratulations!! Thanks for offering us this chance to win.

  27. Oooooh! What a lovely post, and tribute to your very special dog! I completely understand the excitement, and Maggie would've been SO proud.

  28. Congratulations Lynn! How exciting this must be for you. The quilt is very beautiful and a wonderful tribute to Maggie. I know it is a treasure to have. Thank you for the giveaway.

  29. Congratulations Lynn and you know Maggie has a huge doggie grin going on too. I would love to have a copy of 'your magazine'! count me in for a chance to win.

  30. I remember how touched I was by your quilt. What an extra special tribute it is now. Congratulations!

  31. I just found your blog linking from Whims and Fancies. What a touching story. Maggie sure makes a beautiful cover girl. I love your quilt. I made a cushion from a photo transfer of my little Foxy. It's a beautiful way to keep them around.


I just love to hear from you and I truly do read every comment. Sometimes life gets a wee bit crazy and I'm not always able to reply to them all...but I'll keep trying! If you are Anonymous or a no-reply blogger, leave your email with your comment, otherwise there's no way I can reply to you - and maybe you're okay with that - but if there's a give-away and you'll never know!