
Sunday, April 27, 2014

Skinny Sunday...Eat Your Veggies

I never disliked  vegetables...
but truth be told, they didn't thrill me either unless they were
smothered with butter or some equally sinfully-sumptuous-sauce.

I've mentioned before...
my sweet mom was a very health conscious cook...
but my oh my....
she cooked veggies until they were done....
and then.... 
she cooked them some more.

Salt and pepper were her only seasonings.

I am not complaining...
there was always food on the table...
and since I've battled my weight for always...
obviously, I never went hungry!

My cooking skills in the past
left a lot to be desired....
we ate the same ole, plain ole things....
(who the heck has time for cooking when there
is so much fabric to be played with...
so many quilts to be made...)

But when I got serious this time around....
I knew I had to make some changes....
try new things....
go hungry 
(yeh, like that was gonna happen, ha ha).

So...the first change....
I put Bob in charge of the Veggies!
I'm no fool....
and he Loves to Grill....

Veggie Ka"Bobs"

We could live on these things....
and quite often do!

Bob is quite the expert cooking anything on a stick!
We will use whatever vegetables are lurking about but given a choice....

Yes, you read that right....we include Peaches!

Simply Deelish!!!!

We are really into trying lots of different seasonings these days...
(that is KEY...don't be afraid to try new things!)
currently this is our favorite way to season our veggie ka"Bobs"....

1) Lightly spritz with lemon juice
I am always picking up spray bottles at the dollar store...
This really helps to add the juice evenly!

2) Spritz with balsamic vinegar
(I never even knew balsamic vinegar existed! Now we rarely use anything else!
Don't get me started on "flavored balsamics" or "infused Oils...
that'll be a whole other post) to spritz my balsamic
(I'm a spritzing fool...there I said it)

3) Sprinkle a bit of
(I haven't put that in a spray bottle yet and I don't know why not)

4) Still in love with Mrs.Dash....
We add her next...Tomato Basil Garlic is our fav...
but there are loads of others to choose from....

5) A little S & P
(for Mom *wink*)

6)And just before those babies hit the grill....
dear Chef Spouse will give them a wee  hit of  olive oil
This is still the one that has become a staple in our pantry.
But since we finally discovered flavored olive oils
( under that rock...I had not a clue!)
there's no telling what is in our olive oil spritzer on any give Sunday...
or get the gist....

I thought it was Christmas when I discovered this thing called a "Misto"
If you're a cook....
(and you don't live under a rock)
you already know what I'm talking about.
But surely I can't possibly be the only one here...
that just didn't know...
a "Misto" is a Must-o!

You can click the pic above to visit the Misto website...
see for yourself how wonderful this is!
We have purchased a couple to date...found at our navy comimissary...Publix (our local grocery)...
find them online...they are all around (the ones above were at Bed, Bath & Beyond).

With Misto you create your own non aerosol sprayer...
a nice fine mist...using way less oil...way more taste!
Great for non stick cooking - salads...etc.....

You can put vinegars in your Misto as well 
but my spray bottles work just fine for them...
I am not worried about using too much vinegar...ever.

So now the veggies are ready to grill...yikes...I have no idea what to tell you about that...
that's Bob's department....

let's see if he's still awake....
be right back....

Ok...I'm back...and here's the cooking scoop...
Bob places the skewers on a cast iron grill plate similar to this...
he uses 'indirect heat'
(he said that is important to tell you)

The grill plate has been preheated on the grill...

(we have the cutest little Coleman grill that we use for tailgating and at home
just perfect for "2"....we just love it!)

(I shamelessly just snitched this picture from the Coleman website...
it's too dark outside to take a picture of ours.)

Once veggies skewers are on the grill (plate)...
Cook for about 2 minutes
Cook another 2 minutes
Cook 2 more minutes
(we like our veggies with a bit of crunch still left in each bite)

Of course you can adjust your cooking time to your tastes!

I really think the flavors are so enhanced by the grilling!
Since the amount of Olive Oil we use is minimum...
and the veggies we use are "0"pp...
I might track 1-2 pp for my portion...
which is usually 2-1/2 to 3 very deeeliciously loaded skewers.

While perusing the goodies at BB&B...
we found this!
A new grilling "toy"...
We haven't tried it out yet...
but we can't wait!

Whoa...I'm excited over something new to cook with?
Yikes! What is happening to me!!!!

Thanks for visiting on this Skinny Sunday....
Would love to hear from you...
Do you have a favorite veggie recipe?
Favorite seasoning?
Come on...let's dish!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Sweet Magnolia...Our Cinderella Moment

I am dancing on air today.

Long timers here will remember the
Blog Hop last May.
I shared many flower themed designs...
but my focus was really our sweet Maggie's memory quilt.

Tho I finished all the applique
in time for the hop...
it hung in our shop as seen above
waiting for inspiration to finish.

Around the first of the year, I happened to be perusing my Facebook page
when Ricky Tims sent a post out asking if there were any quilters
who hade made a memory quilt of their pets.
He wanted to write an article for

 I sent Ricky a picture of our precious girls' quilt
(probably even the one you see above)
never imagining it would even be considered...
but happy just knowing for at least 5 seconds
he would be looking at our
"Magnolia Blossom"

Well guess what!?!?!

Ricky included Maggie's quilt in his article!
Our order just arrived at the shop today!

I've been sitting on this news since January 23rd.
That was the day Ricky emailed me to ask if he could
"borrow Magnolia Blossom" for the article.
It was also the one year anniversary of Maggie's passing.
I think not.

That was on a Thursday....
Ricky needed the quilt in LaVeta, CO
for a photography session by the following Wed.


One slight hitch....
the quilt was still not finished!

I messaged Ricky back to thank him...
and sheepishly asked....
"Do you remember that I said the quilt was not done?"

His reply:
"You can have until Friday to get it here"

Needless to say....everything I had on my "to do" list that day, 
and the next day
and the next.....
was pushed to the side.

Excitedly I worked....adding borders....doing ditch work....
then it went to Bob....
my longarm Hero....
he stippled the center...
then back to me and binding....and a label.

Try as I might (two cameras - aaack!)
 I could not get a clear shot of the label

Here is the design I worked up in Print Shop...
and then printed onto fabric....

I will always be grateful to Ricky for filling my mind and my time on that
January 23rd...instead of feeling the sadness of the date...
I was filled with such joy and anticipation and happy memories.

The quilt by the way...left Monday from Florida 
and arrived on time Wed to LaVeta....
which was pretty ironic since Ricky also happened to be on the
south west coast of our Sunshine State on Monday 
trying to go home when there was some pretty nasty weather....
his flight out was delayed...
and delayed...
and delayed some more.
He never made it back to Colorado until Friday....
Next time I suggested he "priority mail' himself home....LOL

I am so thankful to Ricky for choosing Maggies quilt...
He's made me feel like Cinderella!

And I also must give Madame Samm a big Huggy Hug....
without her inspiring blog hops...
this quilt would probably not have been made.

My only regret is that my two biggest fans are not here to help celebrate this happy day.

They would have been so proud...their little girl 'in print'. 
Then again....perhaps they already know....
perhaps Ricky only 'thinks' he made the choice.

One last thing before I go to gaze upon the
I mentioned a"Give-Away" did I not?
If you've made it this certainly deserve a chance to win a copy of
The Quilt Life.
I just happen to have "one" to send to one lucky someone.
(okay...we did go a little crazy and ordered beaucoup for the shop)

[the give-away is now closed]
So please if you will...leave a comment below for a chance to win.
I will send this anywhere....
That's what Maggie would have wanted....

Be sure you are NOT a 'no-reply' kinda peep...if you're not sure,
include your email address in the comment or else I won't be able to contact you when you win.
(if that should happen...I'll just have to pick another name).
Deadline to leave your comment is Wed. May 14th - 10pm EST.

Remember...Dreams DO come true....
I hope it happens to YOU!

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter Greetings on this Skinny Sunday

The Spouse and I wish all of you a very
Joyous Easter.

We will celebrate quietly...
remembering our Easter one year ago....
My precious we miss her...
What a difference a year makes.

My dear friend Sandie prepared such a beautiful basket of pink goodies
for Mom last Easter.

Sandie's just that kind of friend...
always thinking....always remembering...
always giving....
I am blessed with her friendship.

Sandie loves rabbits and in February I found a cute little bunny mug.

I thought it would be perfect when Easter hopped around...
amazingly I even remembered  where I put it away 'for safe keeping'...
I made a little 'rug' for the mug to sit upon....

included some special treats....

Moda "Candy" - better than jelly beans I think...
and a bag of her favorite...PB2.

Sandie loved it all!

What is PB2?
I'm so glad you asked...
because it's my Skinny Sunday share today.

Here it is in a jar. 
Does it look more familiar now?

If No is your answer...and if you love peanut butter...
then hold on to your spoon...
because I'm going to rock your world!
(ok...maybe a slight exaggeration...but it sure rocks mine!)

PB2-Ingredients: Roasted peanuts, sugar (1g*)  and salt (94g*)
(*serving size 2 T)
It is made by Bell Plantation.
(visit their website for recipes, shopping and all kinds of info about PB2
You can also find them on Facebook)

It is powdered....
2 Tablespoons of PB2 + 1 Tablespoon of water =

Even better...look at this info from the Bell Plantation website:
Bless my weight watchin' heart....
2 T of PB2  =  1pp!
Regular peanut butter : 2 T averages 5pp
That's a 4pp savings!!!!

(told ya it 'rocked' me)

Now I do have a wee sweet tooth...
(ok...we're friends here, right? Who am I's really BIG)

Mixed as is...PB2 reminds me a bit of old fashioned peanut butter
not super sweet....
I like it best doctored up....

Yes...I add a bit of cinnamon and brown sugar - GOOD!

About the water....just a word of

If you need more than 1 Tablespoon...
add it
I tell everyone it's kind of like a science experiment...
One T of water is pretty close
(depending on how much your 2 T's of PB2 'heapeth')
but I like my mixture to be a little smoother...
I usually add a little more water...
drop by drop...
stirring after each drop!
When you think it looks 'right'...
(one drop too many and you have an instant smoothie...
if that happens....
no worries...
just add a little more PB2)
One of my favorite snacks!
3 slices of this crisp n light Wasa is only 1pp (un-embellished)
and I can easily stretch the PB2 over all 3 for a great 2pp snack....
Just ONE slice comes up as "0" pp - load it up with all 2 T of the PB2
for a really super
1 pp Treat!

Also LOVE my PB2 thinned just a little...
perfect for dipping my Grannies into!

I first heard about PB2 on the
SNACK GIRL blog...
Lisa has some of the best snack ideas...
she was the very first blogger I ever followed and honestly, 
I really owe the loss of many pounds to her wonderful recipes and suggestions! 
She was KEY in opening my eyes and my mind 
to healthy ways of thinking about food!
You can find Snack Girl on Facebook too!

My first jar of PB2 was purchased at a local health food store
for $ mucho dinero $ - but one taste and I was hooked!
(truth: The Spouse was not convinced until the 2nd jar)

Since then...
I danced in the aisle when I found it at our Jacksonville Naval Commissary...
but really plan to place my next order direct with Bell Plantation
(since the Spouse and I are really PB2-addicts we buy in bulk!)

I've recently spied jars on the shelves of our local Wal-Mart!
I've heard it's at Target too....but I haven't seen it with my own peeps
(a little Easter Humor)

It also comes in Chocolate...
I honestly haven't tried that friend Deanna says it' wonderful!

I'm kind of a purist when it comes to my PB2...
if I want chocolate with my peanut butter...
in my mind, there is only one way to have it....
and because we are friends here....
I'll tell you a secret....
I'm having this ONE today....

shhhhh...don't tell Bob
I have two...and I really should share....
but's so itty bitty....
just perfect!
Only 2pp each.
They were part of our Easter surprise from Sandie this year....
Didn't I tell you she was great?

Have a Super Week Everyone!

PS...I'm not going to say this every time...but just so it's clear...
I am not being paid (drats!) to promote any one product, supplier or healthy eating program....
I am not an expert in weight loss (I wish)...
all that I share
comes from my own personal experience...
it's what works for me.
PLEASE feel free to share any of your own healthy food tips, 
recipes, ideas....
it's never a truly complete day unless I've learned something new from you!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Day 3 of What is your SUPERPOWER - My Turn....

Welcome to Day 3
If you have been following this 'stitching hop' then you know what's about to happen.

I'm about to reveal MY Superpower....
or at the very least...
what I THINK my Superpower  to be!

I will confess (and I know I'm not alone)....
this has been the one of the hardest, most frustrating,
most thought provoking themes
I've encountered to date.

Every time I was sure I had the perfect "power".....
I would ponder it for a couple days...
then toss it out the window.

I even went so far as to ask my Facebook friends
what they thought  my Superpower should be.
Their generous and oh so kind answers just
floored me....
Yikes....they made me blush!

But with their help I thought  I'd nailed it.....
and then a new  worry took hold....

Should I be:



Seriously Witty?


In the end....I came up with a whole other idea...
and it stuck!

I think it's....

a little

a little

but really and truly...

I think it's...
(a little)

Because you see....

First some serious....

Really and truly...
this was me a few years ago....

(taking a really HUGE breath...holding it....
Maybe I'll close my eyes while you look....
denial is bliss sometimes....
I've never shown this picture before....)

I've NEVER been a little girl....
even when I WAS a little girl....

Less than two months after the above picture was taken....
I made up my mind....
There was really truly TOO MUCH of me!

Time for a lifestyle change!
Back "on program" I went...and dear Spouse along with me!
(I'm a "Lifer"...yes...somewhere buried is my "Lifetime Key"
that thing was HUGE! You wouldn't think I could lose it)

Nine months later....
40 lbs lighter.....
(and baby involved...LOL)

Getting there......
Slowly but surely....
I was determined...
I had the POWER afterall!

Now it's 2014...
Here's my favorite pic from Valentines Day....

First time in a dress since...well...I can't remember when!

To quote a very wise Madame....
"....everything is possible"

Yes sirree boys and girls....
I've got the POWER!

And I even have this.....

That's right....
It's an official employee Name Tag!

Not to worry....
I'm still a Quilter & Shopkeep...first and foremost....
but now and then I'm a
WW Receptionist.
And someday I hope to become a WW Leader!

It's still one day at a time....
this isn't my first rodeo....

But for now....

My little mouse feet do their
Happy Dance
all the way to the scale....

Super Thanks to:
Her Cheerleading Queenly Superpowers really kept me going!
Madame Samm....She is truly the Superpower here!

Three Cheers for DMC our sponsor!

What other Superpowers will you encounter today?
Click the links below...
You have the Power!

                                             -Mdm Samm

PS....I hope you'll join me for "Skinny Sunday"...which happens...
well....on Sundays.
I'll be blogging about my favorite recipes...foodie WW journey....
I keep it simple, short and sweet!
(at least I try...LOL)
I'm not selling... not being paid to promote any product or plan....
just sharing some of what worked and works for me!