HO HO HO Blog Hop!
Thank you
Madame Samm of
!Sew We Quilt!
Fabulous HO Mistress Carol
(? - oh that really does not sound proper...but I'm leaving it because it makes me LOL
and these days I'll take a laugh wherever I can find it)
Just Let Me Quilt!
I had grand plans of getting oodles of Christmas projects done for this hop...
you know what they say about the
"best laid plans"....
But I'm thrilled to show you what I did finish up...
from the new book
by Nancy Halvorsen
"HO HO HO - Let It Snow"
(how could I resist that title?)
I just love it!
(And so does my BFF Diane [she is a Snow Ho]...yes sweet friend...it IS yours but you'll have to wait for Christmas and then ONLY if you are very VERY GOOD! *wink*)
It's a smallish wall hanging - about 20"x 35"
and was inspired by the larger quilt featured in the book.
I machine "stitched in the ditch" around the
snowman, trees and star blocks.
The nose was machine appliqued on with a buttonhole stitch.
Instead of flat black button for the eyes,
I found these cuties in my button box
(they reminded me of coal...not that I've ever really seen coal up close and personal, cuz I've always been a "good girl" *wink*)
I added a simple stitched SMILE with black perle cotton.

(click the pic for a surprise)
You'll notice above the word "Paws" and an arrow.
See it?
Do you see the paws?
That is Zeek.
(Yes...the same kitten featured during the Tammy Bag Hop).
We found him a home after all...
He comes to the shop most days right now...
and is sew very helpful...not.
He never stays still long enough for a picture...
and I have NO idea how to add a video
(I can upload them to my FB page...from my phone...but can not do the same just to save it on my computer...the file is always TOO BIG...or won't play...I don't pretend to understand).
But if you'd like to see Zeek in action today as I was trying to finish up this quilt...
either click on the "Paws" picture
click HERE
(it should take you to the vid I posted on my FB - you don't have to be my friend OR have a FB account to see it...so they say...just click the pic when it comes up to get the very short vid rolling).
Back to the buttons...
Dontcha just LOVE these?
They are
I was hoping to get a few more HOs finished for today....
these are the corner "leftovers" from Mr.Snowman above
YES...I've really been inspired to use up the scraps from each project
...and I have made something with these....
You'll just have to come back later in the week and see what it is...
because right NOW what it IS...
is NOT finished! lol
BUT...here is a peek at another almost done....
my own creation
(yey...I DO have some brain cells still operating)
She (He? so hard to tell these days) will be spending Christmas in Wyoming!
BUT...here is a peek at another almost done....
my own creation
(yey...I DO have some brain cells still operating)
She (He? so hard to tell these days) will be spending Christmas in Wyoming!
I've really missed being here posting....life is...well....
These days besides running the quilt shop with dear Spouse...I am:
1) busily prepping classes for a future retreat...
2) getting ready for the Jacksonville QuiltFest in Sept....
3) sneaking in some training as a Weight Watchers "receptionist" and hopefully, eventually "leader"
3) sneaking in some training as a Weight Watchers "receptionist" and hopefully, eventually "leader"
4) but really First and Foremost...I'm spending a lot more time with my Mom.
She's had a few health 'issues' since the end of March...
each day has been a roller coaster ride to say the least.
But I WILL be back...hopefully sooner than later.
I miss all of you!
Thanks for stopping by and don't forget there's a
going on...
Please be sure to visit my bloggie friends also
HO-ing today
(that for sure is not proper english...I think I'll blame it on the heat)...
The full schedule is listed below.
Lynn ~ The Thimblemouse >"<
Jump on your magic sleigh
Santa is waiting for you
Visit these gals...
Shoo bee do do do do
(good thing I chose quilting over song writing...dontcha think?)
Santa is waiting for you
Visit these gals...
Shoo bee do do do do
(good thing I chose quilting over song writing...dontcha think?)
July 31
August 1
August 2
August 5
August 6
August 7
August 8
August 9