I'm SEW excited to be participating in the
Tammy Bag Blog Hop
featuring this awesome pattern
expertly designed and
so generously shared with us
blog hoppers
by the
equally awesome and oh sew generous
It's been eons since I've made a bag and I'll let you in on a little secret...
I jumped into the hop....
(because it's what I do)
but when I really REALLY started thinking about making this cute little bag...
I got a little 'bag shy'.
I can follow a pattern and the Madames' instructions were spot on...
thankfully very easy to follow...
but I'd never tackled a metal purse frame closure before....
(so yeh...it made me just a wee bit nervous)
I Did It!!!!
Woot Woot!!!!
Isn't it just the cutest little bag you ever laid your
baby blues on?
(just noticed...the daiseys are really white...ah...I see my camera has a mind of it's own)
Dear Madame asked that we take a few different shots of our bag...
Like....open it up and take a peek inside....
Here Goes....
da dumm...
da dumm...
da dumm, da dumm, da dumm....
It's ..........

Oh My!
So that's where he went.....
This is "He Who Has No Name"
Actually, I still call him "Baby"...
C'mon Baby...time to wakie uppie....
H.W.H.N.N. is Mia and Jaxson's little brother...
an absolute charmer...
and if we had room at the "inn"
there's no doubt he'd have a real name by now.
But alas...we must find him a 'furever' home...
tho the truth...with each passing day...
our hearts are growing more and more attached.
OK...now back to some serious
of course, I would never keep a cat in a bag...
so here is what my bag
Sewing Stuff!
...the nifty "thread bed"...pins...open ended thimble (the only kind I can use)....oops, I see a little baggie of hexies that I promised my friend I would stitch up by this Saturday....a poker/pointer/turner thingee...my 'thread heaven'....tweezers...ripper de-stitcher...2 FriXion gel pens...a little wooden painted needle holder a dear friend made me years ago....and a quilted needle/pin holder that I made with scraps from the bag.
Thank You Madame Samm!
Again you've challenged me to create...
I just LOVE my Tammy Bag!!!!
To see MORE wonderful Tammy Bag creations...
please click the picture below for the full
schedule of hoppees.
(usually here I would insert today's line-up....but my computer is being a bit finicky and won't let me copy and paste the list properly....ok...I'm sure it's operator error -me- and not my computer...but that sounded so much better...lol)
I'll end with a few quick pics of my little needle/pin holder...
I was going to let
"He Who Has No Name"
end the show....
but I can't find him for a picture....
he's probably asleep in another bag...lol
I made my 'fabric' with scraps from the bag...
and thought I was so clever, quilting it as I went to batting...
of course forgetting I would be stitching again when I added the felt....
Stitched thru all layers...this is where the folds will be
(I put the little velcro closure in the wrong spot...
so I had to fold it up 'my way'...lol)
But it works...that's all that matters.
Thanks for stopping by...it's been ages since I've written a post.
It looks like I'm taking a wee summer break....
but I will be back for the next blog hop if not sooner.
Sometimes life just has a way...of well...getting in the way....

See you sooner than later....
I hope.
Lynn ~ The Thimblemouse >"<