Welcome to Day 8 of the
Black Tie Boogie Blog Hop!
Thanks again to our two chickie-poo's
They have really given us
something to crow about!
Be sure to visit them and sign up
for a chance to win some
Egg-cellent prizes
from our fine feathered sponsors:
Ok now...time to Boogie...
Let's step it up!
I've got a lot of cluckin' to do!
I was really looking forward to working with
Red Roosters "Black Tie Boogie" fabrics...
our shipment didn't make it in time.
But fear not!
I won't lay an egg.
Nope, you'll see no egg laying here....
"Fresh Eggs"
a really great panel from
Clothworks, designed by Dan DiPaolo.
From two of the blocks I made these sweet little wall hangings.
Some really dear friends of mine will be getting these for Christmas.
(Shhhh...don't tell.)
Repurposed Soda can pulls for hanging....
(okay...the truth...not soda...Woodchuck Amber Hard Cider...my new vice...lol)
I planned to make everything this time around for somebodies Christmas pressie...
and started the next block with intentions of making a little hot pad.
I thought little "Bow Tie" blocks would make a sweet border.
After making 20 of them...they finish 2" btw...
I fell in love...added a bright happy sunflower border.....
and.... Cluck Cluck!!!!
Merry Christmas to Me!
(am I bad?)
The Spouse and I have been married 35 years...we're planning a new kitchen
(okay we've been planning it for 10 yrs...but no matter...)
so I'm putting this away in my "hope chest"
(shouldn't we all start a new hope chest at least every 35yrs or so?).
Our kitchen will be Black and White with Red and Yellow accents...
How could I NOT keep this?
(Edited...Eegads...the post is "live" but I had to break in...I've been wondering why my little bow-tie blocks just don't look right...they look like spools...and DANG....just Now at 1:04AM I realize I didn't make BOW TIE blocks at all - they are spoolies...hahahahaha....well CLUCK!!!!
I'll blame it on the 'cider')
What the block should have been
What was that I said about 'no egg laying'? lolol!!!!!
I really love these fabrics
(and yes, we still have panels and yardage available)
Earlier this fall, I made the quilted fabric for a nifty casserole carrier by Atkinsons Designs
My friend Gail put the carrier together...she does great work!
From the left over quilted 'scrap' I made the bottle holder.
I found the free tutorial at Pink Chalk Studios...thank you Kathy!
Aren't those little black Chickies just the cutest?
Looking back it seems I have a thing for
Black and White
Red and Yellow
(and NO...it was hard but I did NOT keep this quilt)
I made the quilt for my dear friend Deanna in Idaho after she tragically lost her entire chicken family one night. It just so happened I finished it in time for her birthday
(one of the few times ever this last decade I was on time for someones birthday...cluck cluck.)
I'm sure she won't mind me sharing the label I made for the back of her quilt...it's just too cute
and it's of course....
While I was hunting for a scrap of black fabric with white chicken wire
(which by the way I never did find - and that's why you don't see it here)
I came across just the perfect surprise....
Lookie Look...
I can't believe this little guy was tucked away in a box!
(I inherited the "box gene" from my Dad...you know the one...
it's that gene that compels you to put things away in a box when you're
cleaning and run out of time to put everything in it's place...
or you've just run OUT of places to put those things...
so they wind up in a box)
I'm embarrassed to admit I don't even remember who gave him to me...
(yikes...I hope they don't read my blog)
But isn't he perfect for this hop?
Oh wait....
he needs a little something
hee hee
Much Better! Cluck!
I hope you've enjoyed your visit...
don't forget to click over to my other feathered friends today...
which reminds me...
the dear Madame chose a "peacock" on day 7....
and now I must show this pic of recent visitors....
They are our neighbors!
We didn't even know they'd moved in. haha
Oh and Wow...
I almost forgot!
Happy Thanksgiving Y'all!
In paying homage to our fine feathered fowls for this Blog Hop...
rest assured we couldn't possibly be eating turkey today...
Bob will be bar-b-que-ing Ribs
and making his special French Onion Soup.
Dontcha just love his Apron?
Blessings to all for a very Happy Holiday Season!
Bob and I are very Thankful to call you our Friends!
Lynn ~ The Thimblemouse >"<
Now Flap those Wings and Fly on Over To: