Just a few more days til the
big quilt show and I'm in official
Crazy mode. You won't see me here again until after the show...unless I pop in to show you some pictures from the show (which I probably will since some of you were sweet to ask for a few show 'peeks').
Every year when this show rolls around I promise that NEXT year I'll be better prepared....I know...silly girl...but I can dream....
We do have a lot of things ready but you never know when Mr.UPS is going to deliver unexpected fabric (well, it's not unexpected, after all we ordered it, however delivery dates written, aren't written in stone). For instance, this really
cute fabric from
Michael Miller arrived this week.
Naturally I want a sample.
My friend Sandie offered volunteered said YES when I asked her just yesterday if she could make up a quickie quilt. I began to cut her a kit and realized one very important fabric was missing from the order. The free pattern download from MM only called for 1/6th of a yard...surely I could substitute something else....I looked...I hunted...I tried this and that....Surely I could NOT!
It was a crucial fabric for their border design and I played with ideas for hours...getting my little mouse tail in a tizzy with every passing minute. This was supposed to be easy. This was supposed to be FUN!
I went to sleep and at 5AM this morning ~ I woke up with an
....raced to my graph paper (I love my "ElectricQuilt" program but sometimes paper and pencil and eraser are just what you need) ~ this afternoon at the shop my loving Spouse took over shop duty so I could cut and sew...
Top Done! Ta-Da!
There's also a cute elephant panel in the line with an equally cute pattern you can
download for free from MM
- and because I do not want to disappoint Sandie, I've cut her the kit so she can have "Fun at the Circus" (did you hear that Sandie? Oh and Sandie...I've appliqued the stars for you! LOL).
I had planned to sew tonight but truly I'm one tired little mouse. I did put together some 'handwork' for Sunday's first season home game with my guys, the Jacksonville Jaguars. The Spouse and I will tailgate with friends (quilters too! Imagine that). While we visit before the game, I have a few quilt tops to handbaste the edges under ~ no time to get these quilted by Wednesday and don't want my edges to fray ~ plus they look nicer displayed with a kinda-sorta-finished-edge.

And call me
crazy, but that little bag you see right in the middle on the bottom? That's my handwork for
INSIDE the stadium while we sit and watch the game. This will be a first. I wonder if anyone will notice? I must remember to take a picture of
that! (if you follow
Bonnie Hunters blog - you know we have a 'needle & thread' challenge this month...
wowee...I should get
3hrs of needle & thread time in...at least...maybe we'll tie and go into 'overtime' and there will be
more! And won't Bonnie be impressed when I post a picture of
'where' I did my stitching this week? haha).
It's after midnight and I guess it's time to say goodnight. If I stay up much longer, I could get a second wind and decide to sew...which means during tailgating time I'd be taking a nap...and I think the Spouse would frown upon that.
....and last but No Way Least...
Maggie asked me to pass a little message on to you about a very worthwhile and FUN post she read on my blog list this week (ok, ok...I read the story to her...but only because if I let her use my computer, she'd be playing Petville on FB all day..woof woof)...anyways...if you're an animal person... Maggie's asking you to donate some time and your "paws" for this very worthwhile cause ~
Pet Lovers Unite! Big Animal-loving Announcement for International Quilt Festival/Houston!.. read all about it on Pokey's Ponderings.
OK..yikes...wouldya look at the time ( it's almost 1:30am ...gee...I'm awake...I could sew a few hours before we leave for the game....Just Kidding...) I will get some sleep because it's embarrassing falling asleep in a crowd of 50,000+...ya wouldn't think that could happen....with all that noise....but it can ...ask me how I know!
Lynn >"<
P.S. If you're confused about
when I wrote this post...I actually started it on Saturday night...but oh my - it's now
2AM Sunday morning...eegads! Lights OUT!